Event Calendar

CMS Webinar: ACO PC Flex Model - Overview

Addressing Inequities with Whole-Person Primary Care

Primary Care: A Key Lever to Advance Health Equity

Medicare ACOs and Primary Care: What ACO Leaders Have Learned

PCC's July Lunch and Learn Discussion

PCC Webinar: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs): What the Research Tells Us

Accelerating our Journey to Health Equity: Leveraging Primary Care, Innovation, and Leadership

National Primary Care Transformation Summit

Increasing Access to Medication Abortion in Primary Care Settings

Webinar to Introduce a New Toolkit to Advance Racial Health Equity in Primary Care Improvement Efforts

Listening session on "Strengthening Equitable Access to Advanced Primary Care"

Scaling Action on Social Determinants of Health and Social Needs in Primary Care

PCC webinar: Matching Patients to Primary Care to Drive Better Health

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (MDLI)

Postpartum Depression and Maternal Mental Health: How Caregivers Can Help

Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth (SAFY): Building A Community of Healing

Telehealth – Beyond the Public Health Emergency

Online Public Launch of PCC's New Campaign

Strengthening Primary Health Care

Strengthening Primary Health Care

April Lunch and Learn Discussion

America's Physician Groups Annual Conference 2022

Creating Healthy Tech and Media Habits with Your Teen

March 2022 webinar: Roundtable on the Importance of Independent Primary Care Practices

Bridging Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030

The Case for Increasing Our Investment in High-Quality Primary Care

Innovation and Integration: Addressing the U.S. Mental Health Crisis through Primary Care Partnerships

February webinar: How Can Telehealth Support Integrated Mind-Body Care?

Virtual Roundtable: The New Landscape of Primary Care

January 2022 Webinar: Primary Care Payment Reform: Foundational Concepts and Approaches

Reforming Primary Care for a 21st Century Health Care System

January Lunch and Learn Discussion

PCC's December webinar: Technology and Advanced Primary Care

Effective Community Health Worker Programs: Critical Inputs for Supportive Systems

Scaling Innovation: Supporting Access and Equity in Primary Care Through New Payment Models

Solutions for an Equitable Future: Digital Health Tools and Primary Care

COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar for Rural Communities

An Update on the CAHPS Patient Narrative Item Sets

Family Physicians in Rural America: Training, Distribution, and Scope of Practice

Partnering with Individuals with Lived Experience in Mood Disorders Research

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Spina Bifida Transitions Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Care Considerations for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project

Release of PCC's 2021 Evidence-Based Report

Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network (LAN) summit

2021 Primary Care Summit and Gala

PCC's October Lunch and Learn

PCC September webinar: Primary Care: A Team Sport?

From Crisis to Opportunity: Primary Care for All Communities

Implementing High-Quality Primary Care in California: A Policy Roundtable

America's Physician Groups Annual Conference 2021

The Benefits of Integrating Oral Health into Healthcare

PCC August webinar: Healing a Sick Healthcare System and Culture

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

2021-2022 Medical Director Leadership Institute

Sustainability Beyond Relief: Bolstering our First Line of Care

PCC July webinar: Government and Primary Care: In Service to the VacciNATION

Learning from the Convergence of Medical and Dental Insurance: Who's Driving the Change?

Experiential Ways to Build Up Your Mental Health and Resilience

How to Effectively Address Compassion Fatigue by Building Resiliency

June 2021 Webinar: Recommendations on Increasing the Uptake of Shared Decision-Making in Integrated Behavioral Health Care

Primary Care Investment and Payment Reform to Achieve Equity

Ariadne Labs' Innovation Meeting

Understanding the Impact of a Public Health Crisis on Physical and Behavioral Healthcare Providers; HHS Region 8

Understanding the Impact of a Public Health Crisis on Physical and Behavioral Healthcare Providers; HHS Region 8

Understanding the Impact of a Public Health Crisis on Physical and Behavioral Healthcare Providers; HHS Region 8

Understanding the Impact of a Public Health Crisis on Physical and Behavioral Healthcare Providers; HHS Region 8

Providing Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in an Integrated Care Setting

Providing Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in an Integrated Care Setting

Providing Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in an Integrated Care Setting

Three-day Symposium: Financing that Rewards Better Health & Well-Being

Three-day Symposium: Financing that Rewards Better Health & Well-Being

Three-day Symposium: Financing that Rewards Better Health & Well-Being

How Large Employers View Rising Health Care Costs and the Role of Government

The Road to Equity: Examining Structural Racism in Health Care

The Road to Equity: Examining Structural Racism in Health Care

May 2021 Webinar: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s New Report on Primary Care: Recommendations and Reactions

Integrating Serious Illness Care into Primary Care Delivery workshop

Integrating Serious Illness Care into Primary Care Delivery workshop

Twitter Chat on Primary Care Payment Reform

Advancing Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care: Persistent Challenges and Potential Solutions

Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care - Report Release Webinar

Learning from Clinicians and their Patients: Why Oral Health Collaboration is Essential to Overall Health Outcomes

The Future of Accountable Care

Creating Ecosystems of Health Symposium Series

Creating Ecosystems of Health Symposium Series

Building Vaccine Confidence During COVID-19: The Role of the Medical Neighborhood

Primary Care and Public Health Partnerships in the Era of COVID-19: Collaborating to Improve Preparedness, Build Resilience, and Address Inequities

Release of new PCC report and briefing: Innovations in Oral Health and Primary Care Integration

A Dangerous Disruption? The Consequences of Delayed Care During COVID-19

Engaging with Our Communities in the Response to COVID

Webinar: Advancing Digital Health Equity in California

Prioritizing Equity in Public Health Leadership Summit

Leading Equity: Changing the Narrative Through Public Health Leadership

Leading Equity: Changing the Narrative Through Public Health Leadership

Leading Equity: Changing the Narrative Through Public Health Leadership

Leading Equity: Changing the Narrative Through Public Health Leadership

Twitter Chat on Primary Care's Role in the COVID Vaccine Rollout

Rolling Up Our Sleeves: The Effort to Vaccinate Americans

Primary Care During Covid (Session Four: Financing Primary Care During COVID)

Primary Care During Covid (Session Three: International Experiences of Primary Care Delivery During COVID)

Primary Care During Covid (Session Two: Addressing Primary Care for Vulnerable Populations During COVID)

Primary Care During Covid (Session One: Oral Health During COVID)

Implications of COVID-19 on Quality of Care

January 2021 webinar: The State of Primary Care Spending

National Association of ACOs Spring Conference

Addressing Social Determinants of Health in the Time of COVID

Telehealth: Opening New Doors for Mental Health Care during COVID-19

Vaccine Confidence: Information Gathering Session

Twitter Chat on Integration of Behavioral Health into Primary Care

CareAsOne Virtual Summit 2020: Health 2030: The Digital Future of Care

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Solving for Sleep SAMHSA Webinar Series

Addressing Insomnia in Health Centers: Getting Real About What Impacts our Patients’ Sleep

Sustaining Primary Care Transformation Through a Pandemic and Beyond (day 5)

Sustaining Primary Care Transformation Through a Pandemic and Beyond (day 3)

Sustaining Primary Care Transformation Through a Pandemic and Beyond (day 2)

Sustaining Primary Care Transformation Through a Pandemic and Beyond (day 1)

Strategies for Non-Opioid Pain Management: A Panel Discussion

Primary Care in Crisis: How Congress Can Support Patients and Practices During and After COVID-19

Webinar: Understanding the Ground: Social Determinants of Health in Rural Populations

2020 LAN Virtual Summit

Keys to Success: Implementation Strategies for Virtual Behavioral Health Integration

Behavioral Health Billing & Coding 101 How to Get Paid

PCC's October webinar: Making the Call on the Best Use of Telehealth in Primary Care

Digital Health Tools & Health Equity - Lessons Learned & the Path Forward

PCC's September webinar: Primary Care's Got Your Back to School

Panel Discussion: How States are Addressing TBI and Mental Health

Addressing Traumatic Brain Injury and Mental Health in Primary Care

Twitter Chat on Primary Care and Equity During COVID-19

CareZooming Roundtable: Delivering Effective Primary Care in the Context of COVID

Webinar: Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model – Overview

Suicide Prevention in Rural Primary Care: Part 2 of 2

Suicide Prevention in Rural Primary Care: Part 1 of 2

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 6)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 5)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 4)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 3)

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 2)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 10)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 9)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 8)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 7)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 6)

PCC's August webinar: What Do Patients Want From Primary Care – Both During and After COVID-19?

Twitter chat: Primary Care COVID-19 & Telehealth

Crisis as Catalyst: Reimagining Primary Care (day 2)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 10)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 4)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 3)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 2)

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 1)

How COVID-19 Has Exacerbated Healthcare Disparities Among BIPOC

Health IT Leadership Roundtable: Virtual Care as the New Normal

PCC's July webinar: The Secret Sauce: How Some Primary Care Practices Are Surviving COVID-19

The Path Forward: Reimagining Primary Care During and Beyond the Pandemic

Primary Care Investment 2.0: State Innovation Workshop

Crisis as Catalyst: Reimagining Primary Care (day 1)

PCC's June webinar: Behavioral Health and Primary Care During and After COVID-19

Webinar: Patient Perspectives on Primary Care

Telehealth and COVID-19 in Rural Communities webinar

Twitter chat: Primary Care in the Time of COVID-19

Making Connections: The Critical Role of Family-Centered Care in Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Making Connections: The Critical Role of Family-Centered Care in Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Medical Director Leadership Institute (session 1)

C-TAC National (Virtual) Policy Forum: Emerging Policy Changes in the Age of COVID-19

Primary Care in COVID-19 Relief, Response, Resiliency Webinar Series

Primary Care in COVID-19 Relief, Response, Resiliency Webinar Series

Primary Care in COVID-19 Relief, Response, Resiliency Webinar Series

Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Webinar Series

Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Webinar Series

Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Webinar Series

National Hispanic Medical Association's COVID-19 Virtual Briefing Series

National Hispanic Medical Association's COVID-19 Virtual Briefing Series

National Hispanic Medical Association's COVID-19 Virtual Briefing Series

PCC's May webinar: How to Provide Primary Care for All During the Pandemic and Beyond

Primary Care’s Role in Responding to COVID-19

Recognizing & Incentivizing Behavioral Health Integration: What’s Next from Accreditors and Employers

January Webinar: Strengthening Trust and Equity in Primary Care

Essentials of Primary Care Psychiatry Conference

16th Annual Pediatric Specialty Update for the Primary Care Physician

Mayo Clinic 5th Annual Update on Infectious Diseases for Primary Care

Essential Diagnosis and Procedures for Acute and Primary Care Providers

Orthopedic Medicine for Primary Care: Neck & Spine/Ortho/Sports Med

Primary Care and Women's Health - Eastern Caribbean Holidays Cruise Conference

Integrating Primary and Pharmacy Care: What Works for Patients?

Evaluate. Collaborate. Advocate. PCPCC 2019 Annual Conference

10th Annual Essentials in Primary Care Fall Conference - Session I

Emerging Challenges in Primary Care 2019

Symposium for Primary Care Medicine 2019 - 36th Annual Allen Zieger Memorial Lecture Series

Identifying and Integrating Interventions for Young Children of Addicted Parents

American Public Health Association (APHA) 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo

26th Annual Primary Care Update

Pain Care for Primary Care

Geriatric Update for the Primary Care Provider 2019

Innovations in Caring for Persons with Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias


Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health Care through the Lens of Prevention

September Conversation: Patient and Family Advisors in Training/Faculty Roles

Patient Portals and Primary Care: What use of a portal could mean for your patients

Partnerships with Patients and Families: The North Star in High-Value Practices

Communication about Overuse with Vulnerable Populations

Continued Discussion - Clinical and Community Collaboration on Reducing Falls

Primary Care Measurement: What’s Working and What’s Not

Accelerating Value-Based Payment in Federally Qualified Health Centers: Options for Medicaid Health Plans

Disability-Competent Care Conversation On Care Coordination With ICS

Clinical and Community Collaboration on Reducing Falls

Patient and Family Panels: Inspiring and Energizing Staff and Clinicians

Lifestyle Matters: Key Strategies to Improve Health for those with Chronic Conditions

August Conversation: Measurement - Tracking Patient and Family Engagement Activities and Outcomes

Small Practice Strategies for Incorporating  the Patient  and Family Voice into Practice Transformation 

Disability-Competent Care Conversation on Access with ADANN

PFCC.Connect virtual informal conversation on Behavioral Health – Engaging Patients and Families

Progress Together: Becoming Data Driven

2019 Evidence Report Release Briefing

How to Reduce Health Care Costs and Improve Access: What Unions Can Teach Us

Serious Illness Population

Primary Care First Payment Structure

How AI is Accelerating Cancer Clinical Trials

Involving Patients and Families as Quality Improvement Partners

PFCC.Connect Chat on Engaging Patient and Family Advisors in Quality Improvement and Safety Initiatives

Choosing Wisely Implementation across Georgia

Board of Governors Meeting: September 16, 2019

Advisory Panel on Rare Disease Fall 2019 Meeting

Board of Governors Meeting: August 20, 2019

Board of Governors Meeting: July 23, 2019

Advisory Panel on Patient Engagement Summer 2019 Meeting

Board of Governors Meeting: June 18, 2019

Advisory Panel on Clinical Effectiveness and Decision Science Spring 2019 Meeting

Your Patients are Waiting: Action steps to integrate behavioral health into primary care practice.

Building and Sustaining Diverse PFACs

Employers, Providers, & Payers Partner for the Next Wave of Value-Based Care

Medication Management Virtual Informal Conversation

Foster Conversations with Patients for Better Decision-Making

Artificial Intelligence and Primary Care

Supporting Digital Innovations in Behavioral Health

Alliance for Health Policy Briefing: Right Care, Right Patient, Right Time: The Role of Comparative Effectiveness Research

Comparative Effectiveness Research:

Summit on Patient Support Services and HUB Design

Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care Models

Government Health Care Congress

Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference

10th Annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit

2019 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium

Primary Care Innovation in Medicare Advantage

Informal Conversation on Health Literacy

Roadmap for Driving High Performance in APMs

Peer Support for Payers and Health Systems

Meet the Quadruple Aim with Peer Specialists: A New Virtual Learning Series

Addressing Health Literacy Through Patient and Family Engagement

Putting the Mouth Back in the Body

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Calls

2019 National PACE Association Spring Policy Forum

Primary Care Update Conference

Primary Care Association (PCA) & Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) Conference

Community Care Network of Kansas Annual Conference

NDAPA Sprimg Primary Care Seminar - 2019

IPHCA Annual Conference STOP Addictions: Strategies, Treatment, Options, Partnerships


What You Need to Build a Telemedicine Program That Lasts

PCPCC Webinar: Women's Health Across the Lifespan

Advancing Health Equity through System Transformation: Strengthening the Evidence Base to Achieve Health Equity

2019 ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting

Carefirst: A Partner in Health

Health Affairs Briefing: Consumers and Health

CareFirst: A Partner in Health

Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN)

International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare

5th World Congress on Internal Medicina, Emergency Medicine for the Primary Care

22nd Annual Primary Care Update Spring Conference

Primary Care and Women's Health: An Update and Review

12th Annual Cardiology for the Primary Care Practitioner

4th Annual Clinical Issues in Primary Care Conference 2019

10th Annual Essentials in Primary Care Summer Conference CME : 20.00

18th Annual Primary Care Focus Symposium 2019

Refugee Health: An Introduction for Primary Care 2019

41st Annual Pediatric Primary Care Conference 2019 - Pediatrics at the Beach

Primary Care Network (PCN) Destination Conference

4th Annual Internal Medicine in Primary Care Conferenc e

Integrated Benefits Institute Mid-Atlantic Regional Forum

America's Physician Groups Annual Conference 2019

2019 Bridging Clinical Research and Clinical Healthcare

Procuring Interoperability

New Evidence of the ACA's Effect on People with Disabilities: Health Insurance, Employment, and Benefits

Telepsychiatry's Role in Medication Assisted Treatment

Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

2019 American Public Health Association Policy Action Institute

Xtelligent Healthcare Media Telehealth Summit 2019

American Academy of Pediatrics 2019 Legislative Conference

Douglas B. Hansen, MD, 44th Annual Review Course

AACAP Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institute

Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) Annual Meeting

Leadership, Education, Advocacy & Development (LEAD) Conference

AANP Live: 2019 Diabetes Virtual Conference

Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) Advocacy Forum 2019

American Association of Physician Assistants Annual Conference

PCPCC 2019 Behavioral Health Integration Workgroup Meeting

Exploring Peer Support in Ambulatory Care - Lessons from the Field

PFCC.Connect Virtual Discussion: Building and Sustaining a Vibrant PFAC

Integrating Clinical and Mental Health in the U.S.

The Future of Health Services Research

The Role of Real-World Evidence in Regulatory and Value-Based Payment Decision-making

Fourteenth National Value-Based Payment and Pay for Performance Summit

Nothing About Us Without Us: How the Need for Cultural Responsiveness is Changing Research

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Meeting with CMMI

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Calls

Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Calls(IN PERSON MEETING)

Implementing the Choosing Wisely Program – Practices Share their Lessons Learned

Patient and Family Engagement – Partnerships to Address the Opioid Epidemic

Medication Optimization Collaboration Summit

Health Care Without Walls: Implications for Primary Care

PCPCC Primary Care and Behavioral Health Integration Workgroup

Health Affairs Telehealth Briefing

Understanding CAHPS® Surveys: A Primer for New Users

Heightened Focus on Documentation Accuracy Resulted in Improved Care Quality and Delivery Across At-Risk Populations

9th Annual Ruesch Center Symposium: Fighting a Smarter War Against Cancer

Pain and Symptom Management for People with Serious Illness in the Context if the Opioid Epidemic

2019 Congenital Heart Legislative Conference

2019 Neonatal Nursing Conference

Healthcare as Alternative Diplomacy

Webinar: C-TAC Policy Updates & the 2018 Midterm Election Results

World Congress on Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit

AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine Annual Conference

5th Annual ACO Population Health Management Track

Transforming Health with Data, Mind and Hand

Telemed Leadership Forum 2019: Transforming Healthcare Delivery

7th Annual Connected Health: RPM and Telehealth Track

2019 Missouri Telehealth Summit

Arizona Rural & Public Health Policy Forum

January 2019 Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) Public Meeting

Sexual Violence Prevention Conference

2019 Colorado Opioid Safety Summit

Health IT Advisory Committee

36th Annual Health Summit Diverse Stories Inspiring Community Action

2019 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care

2019 Health Care Reimbusement Summit

2019 Healthcare Costs and Issues Forum

The Seventh National Physician Advisor and Utilization Review Boot Camp

2018 Leapfrog Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner

Care Management Criteria, Strategies, and Techniques

Advanced PCMH (2017 Version): Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Advanced PCMH 2017: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH (2017 Version): Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

28th World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family Medicine Conference

National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference

Reducing Underage Drinking with Practical Tools that Develop Social and Emotional Skills

2018 Conference on Health, Environment and Energy

Keeping People in HIV Care

APHA Annual Meeting and Expo — "Creating the Healthiest Nation: Health Equity Now"

New Insights Into the Opioid Crisis and Work: Important Information for Workers and Employees

Leadership Skills to Improve Health and Safety

What Are the Latest Trends in Medicaid?

Achieving Value in Care Delivery: Policy, Politics and Progress to Support Value Based-Insurance Design (V-BID)

25th Anniversary Founders Reception

Barbara Starfield Awards Dinner

An Alternative Payment Model for Addiction Recovery

PCPCC Webinar - Successful ACOs: A Strong Foundation of Primary Care?

Key Drivers to Build a World Class Patient-centric Healthcare

National Partnership for Women & Families Listening to Mothers Congressional Briefing

A National Conversation on Civility

Improving Patient/Family Engagement Through Peer Support for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Summit for Addiction Recovery Payment Reform

Mastering Healthcare Quality Performance Measures Workshop

PCPCC Executive Member Workshop: Investing in Primary Care – Advancing a National Strategy

Charting the Future of Primary Care: Designing for Change

PCPCC Executive Member Workgroup Meeting

Patients Over Paperwork – Updated 2019 Medicare PFS Proposed Rule Presentation; Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule: Understanding 3 Key Topics Listening Session

PCPCC Webinar: Optimizing Value and Patient Outcomes Through Comprehensive Medication Management

Webinar: Healthcare’s Grand Transformation with Primary Care

PCPCC's Evidence Report Briefing: Advanced Primary Care’s Role in Accountable Care Organization Performance

Strategies for Improving the Affordability of High-Quality Health Care & Coverage

Pediatric Innovation Summit

Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (LAN) Fall Summit

Better Together: Changing the Concept of Families as "Visitors" in Hospitals

PCPCC Webinar: Putting the Medical Home into Practice for Children


Latest PCMH Results and Learnings from 7 Years

America’s Opioid Epidemic: A Role for Technology

Barriers to Access: Reforming Medicare Coverage of Vaccines

PCPCC Webinar: Measuring Primary Care Investment: Policy and Operational Issues

Webinar: PwC Health Research Institute's Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2019

The 8th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Promoting Health Equity and Reducing Disparities


Leveraging your Quality and Resource Use Report (QRUR) to Evaluate Cost Performance for MIPS.

PCPCC Webinar: Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health: The View from Primary Care Providers and Payers

How Three Clinically Integrated Networks Achieved Measurable Benefits from the Accreditation Process [Live Webinar]

Family Medicine and Patient Engagement Conference

2018 American Academy of Home Care Medicine (AAHCM) Annual Meeting

Webinar: Consumer Engagement in Health Care Governance

Peer Support: Enhancing Care for Patients and their Families

Moving from Burnout to Wellness in Primary Care

Core Competencies Training

Empowering Patients, Families, and Staff Members to Engage

National Quality Forum Shared Decision Making Webinar

Safe and Effective Use of Medications in Older Adults

Building Partnerships with Patients in Adoption of Choosing Wisely Tools

NASHP Webinar: Insights for State Health Policymakers on Advancing Evidence-based Primary Care

PCPCC Webinar: Patient-Centered Care Across the Community

Conversation with the Experts (PCPCC Executive Members Only)

Patient and Family Involvement in Change of Shift Reports

Safe Injection Practices

Providing Culturally Competent Care: Meeting the LTSS Needs of Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

What Works in High Performing Networks Part 2: Building Vision & Strategy

Beyond QI: Why "Learning Organization" Competencies Matter

Advanced PCMH 2017: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH 2017: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Defining the Role of a Patient- and Family-Centered Care Staff Liaison

Alternative Payment Models: Achieving the Next Level of Performance

Webinar Successful Models of Inter-Professional Oral Health and Primary Care Training Programs

Effective Strategies for Care Management: Supercharging Primary Care

AAFP Chapter Advocacy Webinar – Primary Care Spend

Adding Oral Health to Your Advocacy Agenda

The Opioid Crisis: Investing in Solutions for Children and Families

The Opioid Crisis: Investing in Solutions for Children and Families

Navigating Complex Change with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Care Manager Training: Strategies. Solutions. Success

PCPCC Webinar: Transforming Clinical Practice by Supporting Patients and Family Decision Making

National Partnership for Women & Families Gala Dinner

2018 Annual Symposium New Discoveries in the Treatment of Kidney Disease Where are We Heading?

PCPCC Annual Conference - Key Policies to Elevate Primary Care

PCPCC Webinar: Overcoming Challenges to Ideal Primary Care

The 2018 Texas Primary Care and Health Home Summit

Family Physician Health and Well-being Conference

Texas Health Care Summit: Strategies for Improving the Affordability of Care and Coverage

National PACE Association Spring Policy Forum

National Kidney Foundation 2018 Spring Clinical Meetings

2018 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy

Part the Cloud Gala - April 28, 2018

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

AcademyHealth - National Health Policy Conference

PCPCC Webinar: Oregon's Innovative Patient-Centered Primary Care Home Program

Executive Member Webinar: Behavioral Health Collaboration in the Primary Care Setting

8th Annual PFCC Conference

Engaging Patients and Families in Mental Health Settings

Alternate Models for Population Health

The Practice Transformation Group: Engaging Physicians in Transforming Primary Care

Measuring Patient- and Family-Centered Practice and the Partnerships with Patients and Families

Strategies to Sustain Patient and Family Engagement Efforts

A Patient- and Family-Centered Approach to Discharge Planning

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Charting the Future of Primary Care: Change, Payment, and Population Management

Care Manager Training: Solutions, Strategies, Success

Performance Improvement Facilitation 201 (PF 201)

Medical Assistant Professional Skills Development

Medical Assistant Professional Skills Development

Navigating Complex Change with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Implementing an Enhanced Recovery Program for Surgery

Improving Patient Care with Advisor Committee Participation

Nurturing the Core Competencies of Effective Patient & Family Advisors

The Practice Transformation Group: Wider Interaction within the Healthcare System

OpenNotes: The Power of Knowing

Webinar: Measuring Low-Value Care: Priorities for Patient-Centered Metrics

Implementing Patient- and Family-Centered Care and OpenNotes: Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships

OpenNotes: The Power of Knowing

Collaborative Family Healthcare Association's 19th Annual Conference

Coordinated Care and Beyond - The Future of Chronic Care

PFCCpartners August Workshop

August PFANetwork Virtual Meeting

Overview of the Proposed 2018 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rule

Proposed Updates to the MACRA Physician Quality Payment Program for 2018

Effective Care for High-Need Patients

Webinar: PCPCC Evidence Report

PCPCC Executive Member Policy & Advocacy Call

PCPCC Executive Member Policy & Advocacy Call

Evidence Report Briefing on Capitol Hill

May Workshop - How to Make the Business Case for Person-Centered Care

Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement: Using Data and Discussion to Drive Improvement

Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement: QI Basics

Community Integrated Health in Practices: Partnerships with Impact

Clone of QI Basics for Advisors

Involving Patient and Family Advisors as Teachers in Medical Education

Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Quality and Innovation Summit

Patient and Family Involvement in Change of Shift Report

Reforming Healthcare: What Does it Mean to be Consumer Centric?

Shared Accountability Across Health and Non-Health Sectors: Opportunities to Improve Population Health

Building a Person-Centered Culture of Care: Shared and Supported Decision-Making and Goal-Driven Care

Navigating Payment Reform: Preparing Providers for MIPS: Focus in Improvement Activities

Too Much to Lose: Protecting Patients, Protecting Progress in Health Care

The Playbook: Better Care for People with Complex Needs

Primary Care Bright Spots: Learning from High-Value Providers

Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health Care Through the Lens of Prevention

Barbara Starfield Summit 2: Primary Care's Role in Achieving Health Equity

Primary Care Development Corporation Annual Spring Gala

MACRA Merit-based Incentive Payment System Annual Call for Measures and Activities

Medically Unexplained Symptoms: Diagnosis and Treatment

National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030

Delivering Quality Integrated Care with an Emphasis on Patient and Family Engagement (PFE)

Effective Partnerships for Enhancing Medication Safety and E-tool Use: Performance Metrics that Guide Patient-Centered Care

Activating Patient Engagement in Care Delivery: Performance Metrics that Guide Patient-Centered Care

National Value-Based Payment and Pay for Performance Summit

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing: CPC+ Update & Overview of New Proposed APM to Support Advanced Primary Care

Change the Payment, Change the Care: Paying for Comprehensive Primary Care That Includes Integrated Behavioral Health

Executive Member Monthly Briefing: Town Hall Meeting - Perspectives on Primary Care in the New Legislative Environment

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures

Beyond Projects and Programs: 5 Steps to Patient-Centered Culture Change

PCPCC January Executive Member Monthly Briefing* - Comprehensive Primary Care +

Implementation and Impacts of Lean Redesigns in Primary Care Webinar

Symposium: How to Thrive in Risk-Based Coordinated Care

Leveraging the Principles of High Reliability to Advance Patient and Family Engagement in Safety

Transforming Clinical Practice In Partnership with Patient and Family Advisors

Summit on Shared Principles for Person-Centered, Team-Based Primary Care

How Meaningful Patient Engagement Drives Value & Shared Vision for Change

Before You Say Ahhhh...Integrating Oral Health and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Settings

2016 EHR Incentive Programs Requirements for Eligible Hospitals/CAHs

2016 EHR Incentive Programs Requirements for Eligible Professionals

Healthcare Value 101: An Introduction—or Refresher—on Healthcare Cost and Quality Issues

Webinar: ETeam and Patient and Family Partnership: A unit based peer to peer program

Patient and Clinician Partner Training- Annual Fall Conference

Moving Forward with Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Partnerships for Quality & Safety: An Intensive Training Seminar

Webinar: Beyond the Patient Handout: How Patients and Families Transform Health Education

Colorado Practice Transformation Program Opportunities

The CAPG Policy Deep Dive for Washington Advocates

Building Value for Effective ACOs

2017 Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

Primary Care Practice Transformation Collaborative

Annual Barbara Starfield Awards Dinner

PCPCC Executive Member Annual Meeting & Luncheon

Using Learning Communities to Support Innovation Adoption

CAPG Educational Series 2016: October's Symposium

Current State of Affairs at CMS: The New Innovation Center

Learning from Patient Experience: Where We Have Been, and Where We Can Go

AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students

Senate Summit on Mental Health

Changing Relationships: How to Foster Effective Communication with Patients and Families

The Role of Leadership in Creating a Culture of Patient and Family-Centered Care

The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Health Care: Providing Patient-Centered Care

Working to Improve Care for Older Adults: Using Data for Policy Change

The Medi Community Resource Center Forum

Partnerships between Clinicians and Community-Based Organizations to Improve Patient Outcomes

Health and Housing 101: Understanding the Intersections

Changing Perception: How to Build Cultural Competence and Humility

Brief Interventions for Anxiety in Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH)

Planetree International Conference on Patient-Centered Care

CAPG Educational Series 2016: April's Symposium

Health Affairs Briefing: Patients’ And Consumers’ Use Of Evidence

Transforming Clinical Practice to Care for the Underserved

Webinar: Real‐Time Clinician Consultation Services for Substance Use Management

Assessing Suicide in Primary Care Behavioral Health

Harnessing Evidence to Redesign Primary Care

Growing the Primary Care Share of Healthcare Spending

Charting the Future of Primary Care: A Case-Based Program

24th International Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services Conference

The 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships in Care, Interprofessional Education, and Research

Planetree Regional Patient Centered Performance Improvement Competency Training

Moving Forward with Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Partnerships for Quality & Safety: An Intensive Training Seminar

Webinar: Engaging Patient and Family Advisors in Creating Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation

Webinar: Assessing the Practice in Partnership with Patients & Families

PCMH Recognition Redesign Pilot

Perspectives in Primary Care Case Study: Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Health Policy Conference

MACRA: New Medicare Value-Based Physician Payment is Closer Than You May Think

The Medi Community Resource Center Forum

National Association of ACOs Spring Conference

Webinar: Patient Partners Key to Successful Clinical Transformation - How to Get Started!

Integrating Behavioral Health Training into Primary Care

2016 Capitol Hill Briefing: PCPCC's Annual Review of the Patient-Centered Medical Home's Impact on Cost and Quality

Community Catalyst Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation: A Breakfast Discussion

PCPCC National Briefing Webinar

PCPCC October Executive Member Monthly Briefing* - The MACRA Final Rule: Priorities for Primary Care & the PCPCC

No 'I' in Team: New Shared Principles to Provide Framework for the Future of Person-Centered, Team-Based Primary Care

The MACRA Impact: Anticipated Challenges of Solo and Small Practices

A Collaborative Advocacy Agenda to Support Advanced Primary Care: The PCPCC's New Payment Reform Agenda*

Payment Reform, Medicare, & Primary Care - Why We Have to Care About MACRA & the Proposed Rule

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Conference Call: New Research Insights on Value-Based Payment Models

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing - MACRA and the Primary Care Imperative: Tips for Submitting Comments to CMS

PCPCC National Briefing Webinar: MACRA, MIPS, APMs & CPC+: What to Expect from all these Acronyms?

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing - Building a Bright Future for Primary Care: Comprehensive Primary Care Plus

PCPCC National Briefing Webinar

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Conference Call

PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Conference Call

Sharp HealthCare's 2015 Primary Care Conference

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Building a Patient-Centered Health System: LAN Learnings December Webinar

Value-Based Payer-Provider Partnerships: Three Case Studies

27th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care

Incorporating Delivery System Reform Incentives into Medicaid Waivers: State and Federal Perspectives

NHRI SAN Learning Event Kickoff

Executive Member Annual Meeting & Luncheon

High-Need, High-Cost Patients: The Role of Behavioral Health

Webinar: "Transforming to Team"

Family Medicine On Air: What Med Students Need to Know About Changemaking in Primary Care

MACRA, MIPS and APMs - Learn about the Request for Information (RFI) Part 2

MACRA, MIPS and APMs - Learn about the Request for Information (RFI) Part 1

Telehealth in Primary Care: Increasing Access and Integrating Care

From Regulation & Documentation to Transformation: The Planetree Framework for Patient-Centered Excellence

National Association of ACOS (NAACOS) 2015 Fall Conference

Change Makers in Health Care

AHRQ's 2016 TeamSTEPPS® National Conference

HealthDoers Series: Consumer Activation as an Engine for Health Improvement

Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model Webinar

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Five Implementation Essentials for Integrating Primary Care and Wellness into Behavioral Health

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Three Strategies for Effective Referrals to Specialty Mental Health and Addiction Services

The Primary Care Provider’s Role in Preventing Suicide

Three Strategies for Effective Referrals to Specialty Mental Health and Addiction Services

Clone of Education and Training Resources on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) for the Healthcare Workforce

Education and Training Resources on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) for the Healthcare Workforce

Education and Training Resources on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) for the Healthcare Workforce

Achieving the Promise of Health Information Technology: Information Blocking and Potential Solutions

PCPCC Webinars Present: New Priorities to Align and Engage Our Stakeholders

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

PCPCC Webinars Present: Engaging Primary Care Practices in Quality Improvement

King v. Burwell: The Facts and Implications

Exploring Implicit Bias in Interprofessional Education and Practice

PCPCC National Briefing Webinar

Strengthening Medicare for 2030

AHRQ's SHARE Approach Workshop

AHRQ's SHARE Approach Workshop

A Prescription for Prevention

MACRA - Charting the Future of Original Medicare

AHRQ National Webinar on Overcoming Barriers to Shared Decision Making Webinar

The Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative: An Overview of the PCPCC Support & Alignment Network

PCPCC National Briefing: Clinicians and Patients: Natural Partners in Identifying the Right Care (Quantifying Total Cost of Care)

PCPCC National Briefing: The CARE ACT: Supporting Caregivers for At-Home and Preventive Care

PCSS-O Webinar "Advances in Recognition and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care"

Beyond Implementation: Capturing the Value of Care Coordination

Leaning In: Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs)

AHRQ's Pediatric Care Coordination Quality Measures Webinar

PCPCC National Briefing: An Exploration of AHRQ's PCMH Resource Center

Medicaid at 50: A Look Back – And Ahead

PCPCC National Briefing: Health Care Costs and Value for the Consumer Advocate

Developing Interprofessional Champions in the Clinical Environment: Opportunities for Preceptors

"There Is No “I” in Teamwork in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Defining Teamwork Competencies for Academic Practice"

Modern Healthcare’s Third Annual Patient Safety & Quality Virtual Conference: The Road to Better, Safer Care

Learn How Home-Based Care Drives Population Health for PCMH

Improving the Patient Experience through Digital Solutions

Beyond Practice: Fostering Diverse Partnerships for Successful Care Coordination

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Proposed Regulations: A Detailed Review

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Proposed Regulations: A Detailed Review

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Proposed Regulations: A Detailed Review

PCPCC Webinar: Patient Engagement Through Technology

Leveraging Expert Second Opinions to Drive Clinical Quality in Value-Based Care

Changing How We Pay for Care

PCPCC/PCP Webinar: Collaboration and Practice Transformation in Residency Education

8th Geneva Conference on Person Centered Medicine

Advancing Medical Innovation Through Public Policy

Executive Webinar Series: The Power of Embedded Coaches for PCMH Practice Transformation

3rd Annual Primary Care and Texas Health Home Summit

Beyond Policy: Implementing Care Coordination in Practice

Managing Chronic Pain in Adults with Substance Use Disorders

Developing Faculty to Improve Quality of Care

PCPCC National Briefing: HIMSS Public Policy Initiatives in 2015: Using Health IT to Enable Healthcare Transformation

Excelling on CAHPS: Lessons from Top-Performing Medicaid and CHIP Health Plans

How Are They Doing It? Best Practices in Sustaining On-Site Training of Behavioral Health Clinicians

Coping with Stress and Depression Training

A National Webinar on Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) and the Use of Decision Aids to Facilitate Shared Decision Making

Incorporating Patient Perspectives in Measuring Quality and Value

Moving Forward with Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Quality and Safety seminar

Tools for Engaging Patients in Quality Improvement

National Action Conference: Policies and Payment Systems to Improve End-of-Life Care

Meals on Wheels More Than a Meal Research Briefing

Primary Care Integration into Behavioral Health Settings: Supporting Individuals with Serious Mental Illness

Integrating Community Health Worker Models into Evolving State Health Care Systems

The Promise and Pitfalls of State-Based Payment Reform

Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Care: Facilitators and Barriers to Adoption

Engaging patients as partners in care: How practice facilitators can support patient engagement

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Alternative Payment Models to Improve Quality and Value of Health Care in America

Evaluation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use Objectives in Primary Care

Primary Care, ACOs, and Payment Reform: A Conversation with Mark McClellan of the Brookings Institution

How point-of-care technology in primary care can help you

Congressional Briefing: PCPCC's Annual Review of the Patient-Centered Medical Home's Impact on Cost and Quality

2015 Outlook for Health Information Technology

How Partners Healthcare Commits to 100% Appropriate Care and Eliminates Prior Authorization

The Medical Team Summit at the 2015 National Council Conference

Population Management Executive Development Program

16th Annual International Summit on Improving Patient Care in the Office Practice and the Community

Technology Impacting How We Learn...Medical Education and Patient Engagement

How IT Can Support New Health Care Delivery and Payment Models and Transparency Efforts

A Walk in Someone Else's Shoes: Payment Reform Perspectives from Providers and Private Payers

December Webinar - Interprofessional Primary Care Training: Seven Champion Programs

Rx Innovation: A Discussion on Biosimilars, Patient Access & Affordability

Health Affairs Event: The Current State of Children's Health, Health Care Delivery and Coverage

The Road to Team-Based Primary Care and Behavioral Health

mHealth’s Impact Across the Care Continuum

100 Million Healthier Lives by 2020

Optimize Primary Care Teams to Meet Patients' Medical AND Behavioral Needs: An IHI Collaborative

Live Webinar: Diabetes Management: Success with Peer Support and Population Health

Successful Population Health Management Across the Continuum of Care

NCQA's 9th Annual Conference

Executive Webinar Series: Redesigning Care Management

Coping with Stress and Depression Webinar

PCPCC October Webinar: Patient-Centered Best Practices

Medicaid in an Era of Change: Findings from the Annual Kaiser 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey at a Forum with the National Association of Medicaid Directors

October National Briefing: Transforming Primary Care Through Payment Reform

Mind the Gap: Improving Quality Measurement in Accountable Care Systems

Keeping the Patient and Family in a Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation

Teen Depression Webinar for Parents, Teachers, School Counselors and Staff, and Youth Workers

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation #RWJF1stFri series

September National Briefing: Bipartisan Policy Center Shares Strategies to Improve Health from CEO Council

PCORI Public Forum: Peer Review and Public Release of PCORI’s Research Findings

Executive Webinar Series: Succeeding in Medicare Advantage with Risk Management Tools

Which Health Care Metrics Matter?

Measuring Affordable Care: The Patient’s Perspective

Meals on Wheels Presents Honoring Our Senior Hunger Champions

Hear Why Many Organizations Are Changing EHRs In Order To Remain Competitive In The New Value-Based Health Care Environment

Measures and Results from an Ambulatory, Interprofessional Team OSCE Project

Using Electronic Medical Records to Target Care

WIHI: Tread Water No More! Making Sense of Patient Experience Data

The Politics of Obamacare: How the Affordable Care Act is Playing in the Midterm Elections

2015 Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program Applications Due

Reforming Medicare: What does the public think?

Care Coordination under the Medicaid Benefit for Children and Adolescents

Aligning Resources, Increasing Accountability, and Delivering a Primary Care Physician Workforce For America

Release of Innovative, Employer-Driven strategies to Improve Health and Health Care

PCMH Study Briefing: Lower Cost of Care for Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries

Governance and Financing of Graduate Medical Education

2014 Mid Atlantic Medical Neighborhood Forum

Webinar: Improving Access to Integrated Palliative Care

Moving Forward with Patient and Family-Centered Care

Institute for Healthcare Improvement Broadcast

National Forum on Hospitals, Health Systems and Population Health: Partnerships to Build a Future of Health

Sustaining Momentum in Multi-Payer Payment Reform: Transitioning from Design to Implementation

2014 CAPG Colloquium on Physician Groups in Medicare Advantage

The State of Health Information Technology Adoption & the Nation's Health Information Infrastructure: Recommendations from the Jason Report

Meaningful Consumer Engagement: Training the Consumer

FASDs: Communication, Care Plans, and Care Coordination

The International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Quality & Safety

Integrated Care Training Academy

Integrated Care Training Academy

A New Approach For People With Complex Service Needs: The Behaviorally-Focused Medical Home

MEDTalk: Reinventing Patient-Centered Cancer Care

Hospital Readmissions: Impact of Mental Illness

Population Health Management: Be Proactive For Your Patients

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation

Intro to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home

Introduction to NCQA’s Patient-Centered Specialty Practice Recognition

Advanced Topics in PCMH 2014: Mastering NCQA’s Medical Home Recognition

Patient-Centered Medical Home Program: Facilitating PCMH 2014 Recognition

Delivery System Reform: Transitioning from Volume to Value

Transforming Health Care: Creative Thinking for Serious People

Leveraging Multiple State Data Sources to Drive Improvement in Population Health Outcomes

A Practical Playbook: Public Health & Primary Care Together

The Patient-Centered Medical Home: Early Results, Tough Scrutiny

eHealth Group: Conference Call

Innovations in Comprehensive, Team-based Medication Management: Lessons from Minnesota

Integration of Clinical Pharmacists into the Medical Home: Measuring Clinical Impact

The Interactive Survey System (ISS) for NCQA Accreditation: A Hands-On Workshop

IMPaCTing Meaningful Improvements in Primary Care Practice

The Carolinas Medical Neighborhood Forum

Live MEDTALK: Treating Congestive Heart Failure and the Role of Payment Reform

State Innovations: Updates from the Minnesota Health Care Home Initiative

LIVE WEBCAST: The Future of U.S. Health Care Spending

Accountable Care as a Strategy for Achieving Population Health Goals

The intersection of e-patients and providers— Where’s the sweet spot?

Making the Business Case for Payment and Delivery Reform

To Align or Not to Align: State Options in Multi-Payer Medical Home Initiatives

Call for Presentations - CFHA's 16th Annual Conference

Management of Chronic Care Needs: What Will It Really Take to Coordinate Care?

Electronic health record functionality needed to better support primary care

Using Health IT To Improve Coordination for Patients With Complex Care Needs

Fostering Partnerships and Teamwork in the Pediatric Medical Home:

Fostering Partnerships and Teamwork in the Pediatric Medical Home:

Fostering Partnerships and Teamwork in the Pediatric Medical Home:

An Update on ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care/Motivational Interviewing Part II

An Update on ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care/Motivational Interviewing Part II

Involving Clinicians in Payment and Delivery Reform

Scaling New Models of Care Delivery: Culture Eats Strategy

Consumer Engagement in a Rapidly Evolving Health Care Environment

Behavioral Health Group: Conference Call

eHealth Group: Conference Call

Integrating Genetics in Your Practice

Arming the Consumer: Increasing Value Through Technology and Transparency

Hospital Readmissions: Impact of Mental Illness

Technical Assistance Task Force Kick Off Call

Behavioral Health Group: Conference Call

Genetic Counseling in Primary Care

The Future of the Medical Home and Its Role in the Health Care System

Introduction to NCQA's Patient-Centered Specialty Practice Recognition

Genetic Testing in Primary Care

PCPCC Cancer Care Webinar Series: Working with Care Teams After Treatment

PCPCC Cancer Care Webinar Series: Working with Care Teams During Treatment

PCPCC Cancer Care Webinar Series: Working with Care Teams After Diagnosis

Genetic Red Flags in Well-Checks

Consumers and the Health Care Delivery System: Patient-Centered Medical Homes

Quality Care: Getting More Bang for the Buck?

Making an IMPaCT: State Models for Primary Care Transformation

Redesigning the Health Care Workforce

Hospitals and the Affordable Care Act

What Healthcare Providers Need to Know about the Affordable Care Act

Building the Public Will for Medical Homes

Population Health Management in the Medical Neighborhood

Overview of Genetic Testing and Screening

Coping with Stress and Depression

Health Extension: Role in Primary Care and Community Health

Eighth Annual National Medical Home Summit

Building a Statewide PCMH Program: Design, Evaluation Methods, and Results

Family History in Primary Care

Bringing it Home with the PCMH

Advanced Topics in PCMH: Mastering NCQA's Medical Home Recognition

July National Briefing: Patients and Families as Partners in Care Delivery Transformation

Centralizing Care around the PCMH: Redesigning Roles for Better Population Health Management

Medical Home Innovations at the State Level

The Results Are In: An Overview of Key Findings from PCPCC's Annual Report

Monthly National Briefing: Chronic Disease Prevention in the Medical Neighborhood

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

Executive Committee: Member Monthly Briefing

Medicaid Expansion is Looming: Are You Prepared?

Implementing Physician Payment Reform: Lessons from Community Health Plans

Connecting the Two Worlds: States Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health Care

Clinical-Community Relationships as a Pathway to Improve Health: Tools for Research and Evaluation

The Post-2014 Health Care Workforce: Meeting the Demand for Increased Primary Care

"The _____ (Doctor/Nurse/Other) Will See You Now": Rethinking Scope of Practice

Patient-Centered Medical Home Care Manager Conference

What's New in the Enhanced National CLAS Standards

National Council's Advocacy Leadership Awards

Building Agency Capacity for Evaluation Initiative

Using Health IT in Practice-Based Research NetworksTo Improve Patient Care

Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two - Achieving Lower Costs Through Improvement

PCORI Requesting Research Proposals on Uncontrolled Asthma

Triple Aim Strategies to Integrate Behavioral Health in Primary Care

Medicaid Health Home Implementation in Missouri: A Year Later

Treatment Innovations: Perspectives From Addiction Providers Integrating Primary Care

Chats on Change: Home Base Program for Veterans with PTSD

Behavioral Health Integration in the Medical Home

State Strategies to Measure Care Coordination

Innovations in Primary Care: Expanding Capacity to Treat Mental Health and Other Chronic Diseases

The Patient Journey: Implementing Excellence in Asthma Care

Executive Member Briefing: Fixing Medicare, A Conversation with the Experts

Executive Committee Monthly Update: Conference Call

Executive Committee Monthly Update: Conference Call

In Search of Joy in Practice: Innovations from 23 High-Performing Primary Care Practices

Apply for Children's Emotional Health Link Skills Training Program by Sept 2013

Behavioral Health: Conference Call

Primary Care for Substance Use Professionals: 5-hour Online Course

Trailblazers' Vision for Quality Data Infrastructure that Enables Care Transformation

Health Care Transformation Conference

Change Agents in Action: Lessons Learned from Leading Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs

States Prepare for the Newly Insured: A Conversation about Mental Health and Substance Abuse Needs

Primary Care Policy Forum

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Behavioral Health Special Interest Group: Conference Call

YMCA Florida Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities Conference

Building Connections: Championing Collaboration in Healthcare

A Team Model for Integrating Self-management Support Into Patient Visits: Skills, EHR Applications, and Training

Health Coaching: Practical Lessons from the Field

Motivational Interviewing: Can I Really Influence My Patient's Motivation to Change?

Building Health Information Exchanges To Support ACOs and Medical Homes

A Close Look at Care Coordination within Patient-Centered Medical Homes

Beyond Analytics: Infrastructure to Support Population Health Management

Disability Management and a Culture of Health

Depression in the Workplace: Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Creating Cultures of Caring: Enhancing Health and Safety in the Workplace and the Larger Community

Meeting Patients Where They Are: A Medical Home Model for High-Risk Patients

EHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call

EHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call

EHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call

EHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call

EHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call

Payment Models that Support Medical Homes and ACO Principles: Maryland's Experience

Innovative Care Delivery Models

Behavioral Health: Conference Call

Financing and Policy Considerations for Medicaid Health Homes for Individuals with Behavioral Health Conditions

Behavioral Health: Conference Call

Improving Clinical Outcomes: Leveraging Data to Automate Population Health

Outcomes & Evaluation Center: March Open Forum Call

Mobile e-Visits in the Medical Home: Implications of a New Delivery Model

Health Plan Innovations in Patient-Centered Care: Strengthening Primary Care for Patients

How to Incorporate Best Practices in Family-Centered Care

How to Use Data to Improve Care Delivery

How to Enhance Care Delivery for a Diverse Patient Population

Health Literacy: Understanding the Problem and Developing Clear Solutions

Stakeholder Centers: Quarterly Open Forum Call

Outcomes & Evaluation Center: Cabinet Call

Outcomes & Evaluation Center: Cabinet Call

Advocacy & Public Policy Center: Cabinet Call

Advocacy & Public Policy Center: Cabinet Call

Patients, Families & Consumers Center: Cabinet Call

Patients, Families & Consumers Center: Cabinet Call

Employer & Purchaser Engagement Center: Cabinet Call

Employer & Purchaser Engagement Center: Cabinet Call

Employer & Purchaser Engagement Center: Cabinet Call

Care Delivery & Integration Center: Cabinet Call

Care Delivery & Integration Center: Cabinet Call

Care Delivery & Integration Center: Cabinet Call

Monthly National Briefing: Physician Payment Reform with Kavita Patel

Monthly National Briefing: Population Health Management with Jaan Sidorov

Monthly National Briefing: Behavioral Health in the Medical Home

Monthly National Briefing: Making the Case for Health IT

Monthly National Briefing: From Medical Home to ACO

Why We Need Robust Primary Care, and What Congress Can Do to Help

Patients, Families & Consumers Center: February Open Forum Call

Advocacy & Public Policy Center: February Open Forum Call

Care Delivery & Integration Center: February Open Forum Call

Employer & Purchaser Engagement Center: February Open Forum Call

Patient Engagement and Patient Activation: A Conversation with the Experts

Advanced Topics: Mastering NCQA’s Medical Home Recognition

New Training Program: Children's Emotional HealthLink

Call for Submissions: Innovative Residency and Health Professionals Training Programs

PCPCC Webinar: Lessons from the Field: Building a Medical Home Residency Training Program for Medicine Departments and Health Centers

TransforMED Webinar: Extreme Makeover: PCMH Edition

Advanced Topics in PCMH: Mastering NCQA’s Medical Home Recognition

NCQA Live Seminar: Advanced Topics in PCMH: Mastering NCQA’s Medical Home Recognition, Jan 25

NCQA Live Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

NCQA Webinar: Facilitating Multi-Site Survey Documentation: A Session with the Experts

PCPCC Webinar: Accountability in the Medical Neighborhood: Perspectives from Employers and Providers

PCPCC Webinar: Patients as Members of the Medical Home Care Team

PCPCC Webinar: Innovations in Adolescent Health

NCQA Seminar: Advanced Topics in PCMH: Supporting Transformation to Achieve Quality Results

NCQA Program: Facilitating PCMH Recognition - Jan 24-25

NCQA Webinar: Managing Change in the Practice – Dec 6

NCQA Webinar: Managing Change in the Practice

NCQA Webinar: Facilitating Multi-Site Survey Documentation, A Session with the Experts - Dec 18

Facilitating Multi-Site Survey Documentation, A Session with the Experts

NASHP Brief: Supporting Healthy Child Development through Medical Homes: Strategies from ABCD III States

URAC Webinar: Exchange Health Plan Management Functions: URAC Accreditation & Quality Measures - Nov 27

URAC Webinar: Solving Medication Management, A Team-Based Approach, Nov. 13, 12:00PM

TransforMED & Phytel Webinar: "Comprehensive" Primary Care and "Full-Scope" Primary Care - Dec 6

TransforMED & Phytel Webinar: "Comprehensive" Primary Care and "Full-Scope" Primary Care

PCPCC Co-Sponsors Fifth National Medical Home Summit

Upcoming PCPCC Webinar : PCMH Behavioral Health Integration - Screening for Depression - November 15th, 2012 1:00pm EST

Time Out for Genetics Webinar: Top 10 Genetics Resources for Pediatric Primary Care Providers

Upcoming NCQA Webinar: Measuring the Patient Experience: Understanding CAHPS PCMH - Nov 13, 2:00-3:30pm ET

URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Nov 29

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement for Practices - Jan 31st

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement for Auditors Workshop - Jan 31st

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Auditor Certification Workshop

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Auditor Certification Workshop - Jan 30-31

Joint Commission: Primary Care Medical Home - Ambulatory Pre-Conference - Nov 7th

Upcoming Webinar: Using WhyNotTheBest.org to Benchmark and Improve Performance - Stories from the Field

Upcoming PCMH Webinar by the National Health Care for the Homeless Council - Nov 15th, 1:00pm ET

Primary Care Progress Campaign: Voices for Primary Care

The Institute of Medicine Elects PCPCC President as its Newest Member!

Upcoming PCPCC & Phytel Webinar: Benefits of Implementing the Primary Care PCMH - November 1st, 2012 12:30pm EST

Upcoming PCPCC & Phytel Webinar: Benefits of Implementing the Primary Care PCMH - November 1st, 2012 2:30pm EST

MGH Stoeckle Center for Primary Care Innovation Needs Ideas About Rapid Testing Solutions for Primary Care - Nov 2nd Deadline

Attend the OpenNotes Public Meeting or Watch the Live Webcast on Oct 11th at 9:30-11:30am ET

Upcoming CCA Event: The Forum12 on Population Health Management - Oct 18-19 in Atlanta, GA

Patients at the Crossroads Symposium: Reconciling Patient-Centered Care, Evidence-Based Practice and Integrated Medicine - Nov 8-9 in Alexandria, VA

Upcoming NHPF Session to Focus Integrating Social Support Services in Care Delivery

RFA Webinar: NASHP Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative, October 4, 2:00 pm (EDT)

Upcoming Webinar: "Communication Essentials For Patient- and Family-Centered Care" - Oct 16th 1:00-2:00pm ET

Job Announcement for AAFP: PCMH Strategist

NASHP Seeks Applications for Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative - Deadline Oct 31st

Upcoming Partners in Patient Health: National Coalition on Aging Webinar - Thursday, Sept 20th, 3:00pm ET

Free PCPCC Webinar: New Approaches to Assess and Address Healthcare Disparities for the PCMH Model - Sept 20th 1:00-2:30pm ET

AAAHC Seeking Public Input on Revised Standards for 2013 - Ends October 1st

Upcoming URAC Workshop: High Performance Medical Home Teams Exploring Care Coordination and Transitions of Care - Oct 11th 2:00-5:00pm

Upcoming URAC Workshop: High Performance Medical Home Teams Exploring Care Coordination and Transitions of Care - Oct 11th 2:00-5:00pm EDT

Upcoming URAC Workshops at URAC 2012 Quality Summit & Best Practice Awards - Oct 8-11th

Upcoming URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Sept 27th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

Upcoming URAC Webinar: Exchange Health Plan Management Functions - Sept 25th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH) Programs

Upcoming Time Out for Genetics Webinar - Sept 27th 1:00-1:30pm EDT

RWJF Webinar: Insights from Aligning Forces for Quality - Sept 24th 12:30-1:30pm ET

The PCPCC's 2012 Outcomes Report is Here and Free to Download!

Free PCPCC Webinar: Advancing Primary Care through Health Information Technology - September 11th, 2012

HealthCore Working with Primary Care Physicians in New Study

Job Announcement for National Partnership for Women & Families: Senior Health IT Staff - National Policy

Job Announcement for National Partnership for Women & Families: Senior Health IT Staff - Coalition Leadership & State Implementation

Upcoming Phytel Webinar on Care Coordination within an ACO - Sept. 12th at 1:00pm ET

Upcoming NHPF Session to Focus on Patient Engagement - Sept 21st at 12:15pm

Upcoming AHRQ Webinar: Funding & Evaluating Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs - Sept 28th

URAC Webinar : HHS Explains How Accreditors Will be Evaluated - Sept 14th 2-3pm ET

NCQA AND Merck Publish Video Guide for Primary Care Practices Seeking PCMH Recognition

PCPCC Congressional Briefing on New Publication - Sept 6th at 3:00pm

New AAFP Position Opening: Senior Operations Manager, Policy Research

PCPCC Webinar: New Center Structure Presentation - Sept 11th at 11am ET

CMS Innovation: Deadline Extended for State Innovation Models Applications

CMS Announces Primary Care Practices to Participate in Historic Public-Private Partnership to Strengthen Primary Care

Upcoming URAC Quality Summit - Oct 9th-11th in San Francisco

Upcoming URAC Mini Summit: Global Diabetes Management - Oct 11th in San Franciso

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Case Management Accreditation - Sept 18th in Washington DC

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition -Nov 7th - 8th in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Upcoming NCQA Event: PCMH Best Practices and Lessons Learned - Oct 24th in Chicago, IL

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

Upcoming NCQA Event: PCMH Best Practices and Lessons Learned - Aug 23rd in Washington, DC

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition - Aug 21st - 22nd in Washington, DC

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition - Oct 22nd - 23rd in Chicago, IL

Upcoming NCQA Seminar: Facilitating PCMH Recognition - Sept 10th-11th in Las Vegas, NV

Upcoming Time Out for Genetics Webinar - Aug 30, 1:00 - 1:30pm ET

Upcoming NASHP Conference: Oct 15-17, 2012

Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Upcoming Webinar on Aug 14, 2012

CMS State Innovation Models Initiative Announced: Applications due on Sept. 17, 2012 by 5pm ET

Upcoming Kansas PCMH Summit 2012: Sept 14-15, 2012 in Overland Park, KS

PCPCC Webinar : Successful Incorporation of Comprehensive Medication Management into PCMH and ACO Coordinated Care Models - Thursday, July 26 from 12:00 - 1:30pm EST

Upcoming URAC Workshop on Medical Homes - October 11, 2012 in San Francisco, CA

The PCPCC Becomes a Founding Member of Buying Value!

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation: Upcoming Webinar - July 26th, 3 - 4pm ET

The Joint Commission: Taking Input on Existing & Proposed Standards - June 29th through August 10th

NCQA Annual Policy Conference - Dec 5

NCQA Seminar: Facilitating Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition - July 18-19 in Boston, MA

Upcoming URAC Webinar: Constructing the Medical Home - July 31, 2012, 2-3:30pm EST

Upcoming URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Aug 14, 2012 2-3pm EST

Time Out for Genetics Upcoming Webinar: Myths of Primary Care Providers and Patients/Families Regarding Genetics -- Setting the Record Straight - July 26th, 12-12:30pm CST

Registration for the PCPCC Fall 2012 Conference is Now Open!

Upcoming Webinars: Learn How to Apply to the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative

AAFP Position Opening: Manager of State Government Relations

National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare: Notes on the Affordable Care Act

Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative: Application Period Closes July 20, 2012

URAC Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Claims Processing Accreditation Standards

PCPCC PRESS RELEASE: Official Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Reminder: Advance Payment ACO Deadline - June 29, 2012

PCPCC Webinar - Primary Care Innovations: Stories from the Field - June 29th 1:00-2:00pm ET

THINC/CMS Webinar - Capital District-Hudson Valley CPCi: What you must know

Time Out for Genetics Upcoming Webinar: Genetics Evaluation, Referrals, and More- What To Do Next.

CMS Innovation Center: Advance Payment ACO Model - New Opportunity To Apply Beginning August 1, 2012

CCA Complimentary Webcast: The Cost & Quality Gap in Diabetes Care June 28, 2012 3-4pm EST

URAC Education Upcoming Events

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Reports on Health Insurance Exchanges

NCQA's New Specialty Practice Recognition Program Public Comment Opens Today: June 11 - July 6, 2012

Eleventh National Quality Colloquium: August 13-15, 2012, Cambridge, MA

New Report by The Commonwealth Fund - Facilitating Improvement in Primary Care: The Promise of Practice Coaching

Care Continuum Alliance: Early Bird Registration Ends June 14 for The FORUM 12

URAC Webinars/Workshops in June 2012

AAFP/TransforMED Free Webinar: Applying for the CPC Initiative - Maximizing your Chances of Success, June 13, 2012 at 1:00pm CST

NASHP Webinar: Quality Improvement Techniques to Improve Care Coordination: An Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) Webinar June 19, 12–1:30 pm (EDT)

NASHP Webinar: Implementing Section 2703 Health Homes: Lessons from Leading States June 14, 3:00-4:30 pm (EDT)

CMS Innovation Center Announces Participating Payers for Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative

Guest Speakers on the June 7th PCPCC Thursday Call

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: New Issue Brief - Bundling in America

Primary Care Progress Webinar: What You Need to Know About the Patient-Centered Medical Home

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Auditor Certification Workshop : August 27 - 28, 2012 in Honolulu, HI

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Workshop: August 28, 2012 in Honolulu, HI

NCQA Seminar: Improving Organizational Performance - July 11, 2012

NCQA Corporate Training: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

NCQA Live Seminars: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

NCQA Monthly Webinars: Facilitating PCMH Recognition

NASHP Webinar: Evolving Medical Home Payment Models to Better Support Triple Aim Goal May 24, 2:30-4:00 pm (EDT)

Air Force Medical Service Live Facebook Forum: Understanding the Benefits of PCMH for YOU! - May 31, 2012

PCPCC Webinar: Care Coordination and the Patient's Role in Shared Decision Making - July 12, 2012

PCPCC Webinar: The Role of Health Technology in the New Care Models - June 12, 2012

Journal Article on PCMHs Published in March/April 2012 Issue: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

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