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Engaging with Our Communities in the Response to COVID

2021-03-12 12:00 to 13:00

This roundtable will cover how health systems and health professionals are working with community stakeholders to address the COVID-related needs of the communities they operate in.

After hearing from our experts, participants will have the opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion with other clinicians from across the country. Attendees will be able to share their successes, challenges, and questions.

Announcement Type: 

Implications of COVID-19 on Quality of Care

2021-02-10 14:00 to 15:00

Presented by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care,this one-hour program will provide an update on the implications of COVID-19 for ambulatory care organizations including the many lessons learned during the past 10 months about how organizations can support a safe and healthy environment for both patients and staff in this ever-changing pandemic landscape. 

Registration fee: $145

Learning Objectives

Announcement Type: 

Telehealth: Opening New Doors for Mental Health Care during COVID-19

2020-12-15 15:00 to 16:00

Join Mental Health America (MHA)'s Regional Policy Council (RPC) for a discussion of policy changes that are helping people access telementalhealth services. 

Announcement Type: 

Vaccine Confidence: Information Gathering Session

2020-12-18 11:30 to 16:00

To inform a forthcoming rapid expert consultation on building public confidence in SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, the Societal Experts Action Network (SEAN) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will hold an information gathering session on vaccine confidence. The session will cover the current state of vaccine confidence, reasons for hesitancy, and best practices for messaging. Facilitated discussions will incorporate special attention to communities at higher risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19, including underserved and vulnerable communities.

Announcement Type: 

Digital Health Tools & Health Equity - Lessons Learned & the Path Forward

2020-09-24 14:00 to 15:00

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered health care delivery across the country, with significant impacts on primary care clinicians and practices serving underserved communities. This event will highlight the pandemic's impact on primary care and other underserved settings and lessons learned from the past six months of rapid response. Our expert panelists will discuss the role primary care, technology, research, and innovation have played and provide an outlook for a post-pandemic era.


  • Phil McKoy, MA | Digital Transformation Leader at Optum

Announcement Type: 

Webinar: Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model – Overview

2020-08-18 13:00 to 14:30

The Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model team will be hosting an overview webinar. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear an overview of the CHART Model, including its objectives, eligible participants and their roles, payment options, and timeline. Participants should come prepared to submit their questions live for a Q&A session towards the end of the webinar.

Announcement Type: 

Redesigning Primary Care for Quality, Safety and Equity in the Time of COVID (week 10)

2020-11-05 13:00 to 14:00

A virtual 10-week improvement program to support primary care practice leaders and teams to provide high-quality virtual and in-person patient care safely and equitably while building resilience strategies for the future.

Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m. EDT

Announcement Type: 


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