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Telehealth – Beyond the Public Health Emergency

2022-03-22 12:00 to 12:45

Telehealth use soared early in the COVID-19 pandemic. While it has since diminished, it is still being used significantly more than in pre-pandemic times. Last week Congress extended coverage for certain telehealth services in Medicare for 151 days after the pandemic-era public health emergency comes to an end, but beyond that extension, the future of telehealth services in Medicare and more broadly remains uncertain.

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Strengthening Primary Health Care

2022-03-23 10:00 to 13:00

This webinar on strengthening primary health care is developed in collaboration with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) primary healthcare team.

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Strengthening Primary Health Care

2022-03-22 10:00 to 13:00

This webinar on strengthening primary health care is developed in collaboration with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) primary healthcare team.

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Bridging Healthy People 2020 and Healthy People 2030

2022-03-31 13:00 to 14:00

This webinar will launch a webinar series with a presentation on Healthy People 2020 achievements and the transition to Healthy People 2030. A discussion moderated by ODPHP Deputy Director Carter Blakey will follow.

During the webinar, presenters will explore the resources that focus on achievements and challenges for Healthy People 2020 and how last decade’s Healthy People 2020 objectives compare to Healthy People 2030 objectives:

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January Lunch and Learn Discussion

2022-01-27 11:00 to 12:00

Join PCC's January Lunch and Learn discussion!

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