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SAN Curriculum

Improving Patient/Family Engagement Through Peer Support for Parents of Children with Special Needs

If you are interested in learning more about how peer support can help your practice, please join us at Virtual Peer Support Meeting (PFCC.Connect) on September 27, 2018, at 1:30 PM EST by registering here.

Peer Support: Enhancing Care for Patients and their Families

This webinar provides an overview of Peer Support services, highlights an organization actively connecting families of children with special needs, and reviews a number of resources available for clinics and families.

Building Partnerships with Patients in Adoption of Choosing Wisely Tools

Hosted by the PCPCC Support & Alignment Network, this webinar will:

1. Explore Choosing Wisely as a strategy for improving care and enhancing patient and family engagement.
2. Learn how implementation of Choosing Wisely effectively engages patients at the point of care and increases shared decision making.
3. Discover how involving patient and family advisors positively impacts implementation of Choosing Wisely tools into your practice. 

Community Integrated Health in Practices: Partnerships with Impact

Successful practice transformation requires the adoption of broad population health strategies. Community-based organizations can play an integral role in this arena.  As providers accept more risk under value-based payment models, there is a greater emphasis on managing chronic disease.  Evidence-based programs targeting persons with two or more chronic conditions have increasing importance to success with the introduction of new payment models.

Quality Payment Program Readiness: Integrating PFE Strategies to Accelerate Performance

In this webinar, patient and family engagement experts connect the TCPI Metrics with improvement activity requirements of the CMS Quality Payment Program.

Delivering Quality Integrated Care with an Emphasis on Patient and Family Engagement (PFE)

Addressing a person's physical and behavioral health is vital for positive health outcomes and cost-effective care. Integrated care is an effective model because it houses primary care and behavioral health services in one setting. This model also supports a team-based approach to care delivery, as it combines the various field expertise of clinicians with input from patients and their caregivers. 

Effective Partnerships for Enhancing Medication Safety and E-tool Use: Performance Metrics that Guide Patient-Centered Care

What activities "count" towards meeting the PFE Performance Metrics and how can you reach these goals without adding more to your plate? We've got answers! 

Join us for Part 2 in our series on PFE Performance Metrics as we present a comprehensive overview of Medication Management, Support for the Patient and Family Voice, and E-tools! This event is designed to help PTNs, clinicians, quality improvement staff, and other healthcare professionals better understand the PFE Metrics and its application in practice settings.

Activating Patient Engagement in Care Delivery: Performance Metrics that Guide Patient-Centered Care

Practices participating in the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) are constantly aiming towards effective transformation through the implementation of meaningful person-centered care. In support of this goal, TCPI recently released Person and Family Engagement (PFE) performance measures that healthcare staff can use to strengthen partnerships in ambulatory care. 

Beyond Projects & Programs: 5 Steps to Patient-Centered Culture Change

Creating and sustaining an organizational culture of patient-centered care goes beyond the implementation of discrete projects and sporadic involvement of patients and families.

Indeed, culture is so much greater than the sum of individual efforts and initiatives.  It is WHAT you do, HOW you do it, WHO you involve, and more.  That’s why for many practices, culture change can feel so daunting and complex.  However, without a strong cultural underpinning for patient and family engagement strategies, these interventions run the risk of falling short of driving true engagement.


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