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CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Design Award - Oklahoma

Program Location: 
Oklahoma City, OK
Payer Type: 

The State Innovation Model (SIM) grant was awarded to Oklahoma in December 2014 and is to begin in February 2015.  The goal of the Oklahoma SIM is to provide state-based solutions to Oklahoma’s healthcare challenges. Oklahoma’s plan aims to improve health, provide better care and reduce health expenditures for more than 1.2 million Oklahomans. Working through the Oklahoma Health Improvement Plan (OHIP) Coalition, a public-private partnership consisting of a broad spectrum of stakeholders across the state, the OSIM will design a comprehensive model that focuses on the improvement of statewide health outcomes through value-based payment and healthcare delivery system innovation and redesign, while integrating evidence-based population and clinical interventions.

The plan is divided into three phases of work; phase 1 seeks to achieve consensus among coalition stakeholders on the alignment of a socio-ecological model that includes clinical and population-based health measures for selected health topics: obesity, diabetes, hypertension and tobacco. In phase 2, stakeholders will assess and determine what multi-payer, value-based purchasing model realistically achieves common priorities and goals. Concurrently, in phase 3, stakeholders will identify strategies to increase adoption levels of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and attainment ofMeaningful Use (MU) among providers; initiate planning for the development of a Value-Based Analytics Tool (VBA) for healthcare data analysis; determine benchmarks aimed at improving clinical and population health outcomes; and identify potential savings across multi-payer structures.

Payment Model: 

CMS will grant Oklahoma up to $2,000,000 in funding to develop a State Health Care Innovation Plan. 

Last updated January 2015
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