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Primary Care Transformation Summit

2019-05-20 09:00 to 2019-05-21 17:00


CMS recently announced FIVE new Primary Care Value-Based Payment Models. In order to succeed in these models and achieve maximum shared savings for your organization, hospitals, health systems, and physician groups must embrace value-based care principles. The Inaugural Primary Care Transformation Summit brings together top thought leaders from across the country to share strategies for crafting team-based approaches to care and risk management through technology and population health practices.

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Your Patients are Waiting: Action steps to integrate behavioral health into primary care practice.

2019-06-21 13:00

Your Patients are Waiting:  Action steps to integrate behavioral health into primary care practice.
Putting patients and families first. The Integration Imperative.  Join us for a dialog on practical insights to support your journey towards Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration.
June 21, 2019,  1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

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Building and Sustaining Diverse PFACs

2019-05-21 13:00 to 14:00

The next PFCC.Connect virtual informal conversation will be held next Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT on Building and Sustaining Diverse PFACs.

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Medication Management Virtual Informal Conversation

2019-05-01 10:30 to 11:30

The next PFCC.Connect virtual informal conversation will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 10:30 AM ET/7:30 AM PT on Medication Management.

Foster Conversations with Patients for Better Decision-Making

2019-05-09 13:00 to 14:00


Life is about choices -- we make them all day, every day. Especially in healthcare.

On May 9th, PCPCC in collaboration with ABIMF and IPFCC is hosting a webinar about the importance of engaging patients and families in the Choosing Wisely program, and how this process can empower patients to make more informed decisions, improve outcomes and transform practices.

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Artificial Intelligence and Primary Care

2019-05-15 15:00

Hear experts speak about strategies to ensure emerging technologies strengthen relationships and team-based primary care, while also reducing administrative burden and maintaining security.

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Primary Care Innovation in Medicare Advantage

2019-04-15 13:00 to 14:00
On Monday, April 15th, 2019, PCPCC will host a panel of experts who will discuss patient-centered care delivery innovation in Medicare Advantage. They will share a variety of lessons learned from their work within the broader healthcare system. They will touch upon topics including efforts to strengthen primary care delivery for high-need seniors, medication prescribing, senior loneliness, and steps needed to ensure that program implementation is consumer centered and protects vulnerable populations. 
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    Putting the Mouth Back in the Body

    2019-03-21 15:00

    Please join us on Thursday, March 21, 2019, for the next PCPCC webinar, Putting the Mouth Back into the Body. Leading experts will discuss efforts to improve the integration between oral health and primary care, share their experiences with the associated challenges, and discuss opportunities that this integration will create to improve health. 

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    Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

    2019-12-10 13:00 to 14:00

    Member suggestions for discussion topics are welcome.  Please contact Chris Adamec, Director of Policy for PCPCC with ideas or any questions at or 202-640-1212.

    Announcement Type: 

    Executive Member Policy and Advocacy Call

    2019-10-08 13:00 to 14:00

    Member suggestions for discussion topics are welcome.  Please contact Chris Adamec, Director of Policy for PCPCC with ideas or any questions at or 202-640-1212.

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