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October National Briefing: Transforming Primary Care Through Payment Reform

2014-10-30 13:00 to 14:00

We are learning two things about restructuring health care in the United States in the post-Affordable Care Act (ACA) environment: Primary care transformation is essential to a well-performing health care delivery system and payment reform works best when it is consistent across payers.

Measuring Affordable Care: The Patient’s Perspective

2014-09-18 12:00 to 13:00

Health care costs are having real impacts on patients’ and consumers’ budgets across the country. Families have seen their health insurance premiums increased by almost 130 percent in the past decade while their out-of-pocket spending has risen by almost 80 percent. 

Announcement Type: 

eHealth Group: Conference Call

2014-05-06 12:00 to 13:00

This monthly call is reserved for the e-Health Special Interest Group to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of Health Information Technology. 

Call Details

Date: First Tuesday of every month
Time: Noon - 1:00pm ET
Dial in: (712) 432-0900
Access Code: 868853#

Announcement Type: 

Innovations in Comprehensive, Team-based Medication Management: Lessons from Minnesota

2014-05-22 13:00 to 14:00

Medications are involved in 80 percent of all treatments and impact every aspect of a patient's life. Drug therapy problems occur every day and represent a public health challenge that add substantial costs to the health care system. In recent years, Minnesota has established exemplary practices that incorporate medication management and has seen improvements in outcomes of care and reduced costs. Join us for an overview and a look at lessons learned from Minnesota's experience using comprehensive team-based medication management to delivery efficient and effective care. 

Announcement Type: 

Integration of Clinical Pharmacists into the Medical Home: Measuring Clinical Impact

2014-05-15 12:00 to 13:30

As the Medical Home concept gains momentum around the country, health care leaders are challenged to identify the optimal mix of professionals on the care team and how to maximize their individual contributions to patient care. The Department of Veterans Affairs launched its version of the Medical Home in 2010 and has successfully incorporated the clinical pharmacist into this model.

Announcement Type: 

State Innovations: Updates from the Minnesota Health Care Home Initiative

2014-04-17 11:00 to 12:00

A leader in care quality improvement and cost reduction, Minnesota's Health Care Home (HCH) initiative, which includes 322 certified Health Care Homes, has lowered costs for Medicaid enrollees by more than 9% since the program began in 2010. The Director of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, joins us to provide an overview of Minnesota's innovative program and the lead evaluator of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, will review key findings of the 2014 Health Care Home Evaluation Report to the Minnesota State Legislature. 

Announcement Type: 

March National Briefing

2014-03-27 12:00 to 13:00

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) Privacy Rule can present barriers to collaboration between behavioral health and primary care providers. However, many of those barriers are more perceived than real. This month’s National Briefing will provide an in-depth look at the obstacles to sharing data between behavioral health and primary care providers. Dayna Matthew, JD, joins us to present an overview of HIPAA barriers and to debunk common misunderstandings about data-sharing under HIPAA. Ms.

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Consumer Engagement in a Rapidly Evolving Health Care Environment

2014-02-13 12:00 to 13:00
Consumerism is changing the way many stakeholders in healthcare are approaching the marketplace. Join us for a webinar focused on the evolving role of consumers in the healthcare marketplace and why consumer engagement strategies are important to quality and cost outcomes. Rose Maljanian, Chairman & CEO of HealthCAWS, Inc. will discuss the importance of consumer engagement in ehealth, and will also provide an overview of a pragmatic tool that supports the advancement of consumer engagement as well as the meaningful use of technology.
Announcement Type: 

Behavioral Health Group: Conference Call

2014-02-19 12:00 to 13:00

The PCPCC hosts a monthly conference call (open to the public) for its Special Interest Group (SIG) on Behavioral Health to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of behavioral health. 

Call Details

Date: Third Wednesday of every month
Time: Noon - 1:00pm ET
Dial in: (712) 432-0900
Access Code: 868853#

Announcement Type: 

eHealth Group: Conference Call

2014-02-04 12:00 to 13:00

This monthly call is reserved for the e-Health Special Interest Group to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of Health Information Technology. 

Call Details

Date: First Tuesday of every month
Time: Noon - 1:00pm ET
Dial in: (712) 432-0900
Access Code: 868853#

Announcement Type: 


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