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Center for Employers/Purchasers

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Collaborates with Physician Groups to Enhance Patient-Centered Care

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield announced that it has completed agreements with six large physician groups statewide to participate in a program to strengthen the role of primary care and its benefit to consumers. In May, Anthem launched a new payment model designed to infuse primary care practices with the financial incentives and resources they need to provide greater care coordination and quality by rewarding value over volume. 

Pharmaceutical Giant Puts Medical-Home Concept to the Test

By Given its focus on research, it shouldn't be surprising that GlaxoSmithKline doesn't accept a premise at face value.

News Author: 
Susan Ladika

NASHP Brief: Supporting Healthy Child Development through Medical Homes: Strategies from ABCD III States

2012-11-13 12:31

Through Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) III, Arkansas, Illinois, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Oregon have developed and tested models to improve care coordination for children with or at risk of developmental delay.  The medical home has been a key mechanism in their improvement efforts. This brief draws from these states’ experiences to outline opportunities and lessons for state policy makers to consider in order to strengthen medical home initiatives by explicitly addressing the needs of children.

Patients at Heart of Health Care Decision

Theme of Recent PCPCC Conference

It was another reminder that patients lie at the heart of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH), a theme considered so important that the one-day meeting devoted an entire segment to it.  The need to engage patients and their families in making decisions about their health care emerged as a unifying theme that tied together disparate parts of the most recent Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) conference in Chicago on Oct. 25.

News Author: 

Upcoming PCPCC Webinar : PCMH Behavioral Health Integration - Screening for Depression - November 15th, 2012 1:00pm EST

2012-11-15 13:00

Behavioral Health Integration in the Medical Home - Screening for DepressionThursday, November 15th, 2012 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ESTREGISTER FOR FREE HEREDepression screening is an important element of behavioral health integration in the patient-centered medical home. Learn more about how this process has been successfully implemented and managed across a spectrum of patient populations - from teens to adults to medicare-eligibles - in this free and informative webinar from 1:00-2:30pm on Thursday, November 15, brought to you by the PCPCC Behavioral Health Special Interest Group.

Announcement Type: 

Better primary care saves Colorado $20 million

An experiment to ensure that complex Medicaid patients have a regular doctor and care coordinators who can help them stay healthy has saved Colorado an estimated $20 million in its first year, according to a new report from Colorado’s Medicaid managers.“We’re very happy that it’s moving in the right direction,” said Laurel Karabatsos, director of health programs for the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF).So far, about 20 percent of Colorado’s more than 600,000 Medicaid clients are enrolled in the program called the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC).

News Author: 
Katie Kerwin McCrimmon

URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Nov 29

2012-11-29 14:00

Free WebinarThursday, Nov 29, 20122:00-3:00pm ETURAC developed its Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH) Programs to educate and guide health care practices, and/or their sponsoring health plans, insurers, and pilot programs in transforming into truly patient centered health care homes. URAC’s PCHCH Practice Achievement Program evaluates practices on evolving levels of success across 28 key URAC PCHCH Standards.This complimentary webinar will:1. Introduce attendees to the PCHCH Programs2.

Announcement Type: 

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement for Practices - Jan 31st

2012-01-31 07:30

URAC Education WorkshopThursday, January 31, 2013 (7:30am - 3pm EST)Amelia Island, FLDescription:This education workshop is offered to practices seeking URAC PCHCH Practice Achievement.Note: If you are an auditing organization, you should register for the PCHCH Auditor Certification Workshop or PCHCH Achievement for Auditors Workshop.URAC PCHCH Practice Achievement program evaluates practices on 28 key URAC PCHCH Practice Standards. These standards are considered essential elements of a patient centered health care home and include 7 mandatory standards.

Announcement Type: 

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement for Auditors Workshop - Jan 31st

2012-01-31 07:30

URAC Education WorkshopThursday, January 31, 2013 (7:30am - 4pm EST)Amelia Island, FL Description:The URAC PCHCH Practice Achievement Program evaluates practices on 28 key URAC PCHCH Practice Standards from the URAC PCHCH Program Toolkit. These standards are considered essential elements of a patient centered health care home and include 7 mandatory standards.

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