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September Conversation: Patient and Family Advisors in Training/Faculty Roles

2019-09-19 12:00 to 13:00


Patient and Family Advisors can be trusted partners in training/educating health care professionals and staff about PFCC and key aspects of care from the patient perspective. While this role is not for everyone, advisors who participate in new hire orientation or as patient or family members in simulation can add a valuable perspective. 

Announcement Type: 

Partnerships with Patients and Families: The North Star in High-Value Practices

2019-09-17 15:00 to 16:00

Often, our current health care environment seems too complex – with too many competing priorities. Some days, it’s hard to find our “true north” – to really focus on patients who need care and their families.

“Our patients and their families are an abundant source of wisdom as we navigate the stormy seas of health care delivery. To go it alone without their partnership is foolish and unwise.”

(Joseph Bianco, MD, Essentia)

Announcement Type: 

Communication about Overuse with Vulnerable Populations

2019-09-12 13:00 to 14:00
  • Dr. Lisa Letourneau and Kelly Rand from the Choosing Wisely campaign will share recent research on implementing in a safety net setting including a new toolkit created for this setting and insights learned from focus groups on communicating about overuse to patients who have historically been marginalized from care.
Announcement Type: 

Continued Discussion - Clinical and Community Collaboration on Reducing Falls

2019-08-29 12:00 to 13:00

Marc Rosen  from the YMCA of the USA, Lisa LeTourneau, M.D., Clinical Consultant for the PCPCC and Kelly Rand, Program Officer, Choosing Wisely ABIM Foundation will continue their discussion on the effectiveness of collaboration between clinical practices and community-based organizations for improving patient safety.    [ Note: This is a continuation of the August 15th learning session. Slides to the original webinar are available on the PCPCC website - ]

Announcement Type: 

Clinical and Community Collaboration on Reducing Falls

2019-08-15 13:00 to 14:00

Join us for this learning session on how collaboration between clinical practices and community-based organizations can improve patient safety. Our speakers will discuss fall prevention as a case study. 

Announcement Type: 

Patient and Family Panels: Inspiring and Energizing Staff and Clinicians

2019-08-21 15:00 to 16:57

This webinar will support ambulatory physicians and staff in planning and facilitating successful patient and family panels to foster change and improvement and rediscover joy in practice.

Learning Objectives:

Announcement Type: 

August Conversation: Measurement - Tracking Patient and Family Engagement Activities and Outcomes

2019-07-31 14:27

Many organizations have engaged patients and families in direct care and as improvement partners. To build an evidence base for these partnerships and the advancement of PFCC, developing a measurement strategy is essential. What has your organization found to be most useful? How has your PFAC and PFAs contributed or been involved in measuring change and improvement? Do you use Annual Reports to document results? When and where are results shared and with whom? Are there topics or areas that you have found challenging to measure?

Announcement Type: 

Small Practice Strategies for Incorporating  the Patient  and Family Voice into Practice Transformation 

2019-07-30 15:30 to 16:30

 The webinar will provide practical ideas for small practices that have struggled with setting up a patient and family advisory council or just need to know how to get started. It provides other ways to incorporate patient/family perspectives into practice changes. 

Upon completion of the session, participants will be able to:

Announcement Type: 

PFCC.Connect virtual informal conversation on Behavioral Health – Engaging Patients and Families

2019-07-18 13:00 to 14:00

There is a growing interest in addressing mental health, substance use disorder and other behavioral health challenges across the continuum. Innovative partnership models are being explored and are showing some promising results. There is a growing recognition that inviting, supporting, and encouraging participation of those with a lived experience is an important aspect of these efforts. How have you engaged individuals and their families in these efforts? What creative solutions are being explored in your organization, community or region?

Announcement Type: 


2019-07-11 01:00 to 02:00

Join us for the Choosing Wisely Learning Network webinar, “Right Question, Wrong Person” in which speakers Dr. Susan Perez and Beccah Rothschild will discuss the new "Facilitate Cost-of-Care Questions in Health Systems" toolkit and the survey research on which it is based.

Announcement Type: 


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