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Jill Rubin Hummel

Jill Hummel currently serves as the President & General Manager of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Connecticut (Anthem). In this role she is responsible for the management of Anthem’s local Commercial group and individual business, including sales, account management, provider relations and contracting, underwriting and product delivery. She is also responsible for the development of Anthem’s long-term strategic direction and collaborates with elected officials, regulators, providers, employers and other key stakeholders to drive improvements in health care access, quality, experience, outcomes and affordability.

Prior to assuming her current role, Ms. Hummel held the position of Vice President of Payment Innovation for Anthem, Inc., parent company of Anthem. In this position, she was accountable for developing provider payment and delivery models that reward and support improvements in health while reducing the unnecessary cost associated with today’s fragmented health care system. During this time she led the design and implementation of the largest commercial pay-for-value program in the country. Her team also supported the design of Anthem’s complementary transparency programs that make cost and quality information available to physicians and their patients.   

Ms. Hummel joined Anthem in 2007 as vice president, Provider Engagement and Contracting for Anthem’s Northeast Markets (New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine). In this capacity, she was responsible for the management of the provider network, including implementation of innovative payment and healthcare delivery models with participating physicians and providers.

Before joining Anthem, she worked for UnitedHealthcare (2001 – 2007) in a variety of capacities including, most recently, as the Northeast Regional Vice President for Network Management. Ms. Hummel also served as the vice president for Hospital Network Management for UnitedHealth Networks and, prior to that, as the chief operating officer of UnitedHealthcare of the Midwest, Inc.

Ms. Hummel currently serves on the board, and as the Chair, of the Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative, a nationally recognized organization dedicated to promoting high performing primary care as the foundation of an effective, efficient and equitable health care system. She also serves on the board, and as the Co-Chair, of the Governor’s Prevention Partnership and as a board member of the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts as well as Qualidigm.  

She earned her law degree from Washington University and her BA degree from the University of Rochester.  


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