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David C. Kendrick

David C. Kendrick, MD, MPH, is the principal investigator and chief executive officer of the MyHealth Access Network, a Beacon Community. MyHealth is focused on improving health in Oklahoma and beyond by implementing a community-wide infrastructure for health care information technology (IT). MyHealth is focused on providing advanced health information exchange, community-wide care coordination tools, and a robust decision support platform to support providers striving to provide high-quality care in the face of overwhelming data availability. An advanced community health analytics platform has been implemented to enable evaluation and improvement of population health across the community and region.

Dr. Kendrick serves the University of Oklahoma’s Health Sciences Center as the chair of the Department of Community Medical Informatics and the assistant provost for strategic planning. In this capacity, he is charged with defining and implementing health care information systems strategy for the School of Community Medicine (SOCM) and the community it serves. In particular, Dr. Kendrick is developing systems required to support patient-centered medical homes and to connect them with one another in ways that measurably improve the lives of patients and ultimately the health and quality of life of the entire community. In addition, Dr. Kendrick is an associate professor of internal medicine and pediatrics and the Kaiser Chair of Community Medicine at SOCM. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance), and convening faculty for the CPCi (Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative).

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