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August 28, 2014 5 Must-Attend PCMH Panels at #PCPCC2014!
August 14, 2014 New Primary Care Data Released by Milbank Memorial Fund
August 7, 2014 31 New Programs Added to PCPCC's Training Database
August 5, 2014 Today at Noon ET! McKesson's CMO (Jonathan Niloff) to Present to PCPCC's eHealth Group
July 31, 2014 Month in Review: Schools IN for Summer! Plus, National Briefing Today!
July 30, 2014 McKesson's Dr. Niloff to Join our Aug 5th eHealth Call
July 24, 2014 You're Invited to PCPCC's Inaugural Awards Dinner
July 16, 2014 Special Guest Maribel Cifuentes of ACT Program on Today's Behavioral Health Call: Agenda & Slides
July 15, 2014 CO's Advancing Care Together (ACT) Program: July 16th Behavioral Health Presentation
July 11, 2014 Special Opportunity for Practice Coaching Organizations
July 10, 2014 July National Briefing: Patients and Families as Partners in Care
July 1, 2014 Today's eHealth Call Moved to Aug 5th: Dr. Jonathan Niloff of McKesson to Present
June 26, 2014 Month in Review: Go (Primary Care) Team! Plus, National Briefing Today!
June 18, 2014 Join our Behavioral Health Group to Discuss Draft Slide Deck: Today @ Noon ET
June 12, 2014 June National Briefing: Centralizing Care around the PCMH - Redesigning Roles for Better Population Health Management
June 9, 2014 New PCPCC Resource: Primary Care Innovations and PCMH Map
June 6, 2014 Sunday Meeting of Technical Assistance/Practice Coaching Task Force
June 3, 2014 Today's eHealth Call Cancelled - Next call will be July 1st
June 2, 2014 Denver Meeting of Technical Assistance/Practice Coaching Task Force
May 22, 2014 Month in Review: All Together Now! Plus, National Briefing Today


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