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Month in Review: All Together Now! Plus, National Briefing Today

All Together Now!
Thursday, May 22nd
Dear Members & Friends:

Health care delivery is a team sport. This month we've focused on the role that teams play in the patient-centered medical home, especially that of the pharmacist..

With our monthly theme being Medication Management, last week we hosted a webinar on the Department of Veteran Affairs' experience integrating clinical pharmacists into the medical home. In addition, our Executive Members heard from Lucinda Maine, CEO of the American College of Pharmacists, about ways in which pharmacy students are increasingly training with other health professions, a concept referred to as Interprofessional Education (IPE).

In recent months, IPE has made headlines as more experts come to agree that team-based care is the future of the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Articles this month have focused on the growing demand for team training as well as the increasing role pharmacies and pharmacists play in the medical home and on the care team. To learn more about current team-based education and training programs, we encourage you to visit our searchable database put together by PCPCC's Education & Training Task Force.

For a look at what Minnesota is doing to advance comprehensive, team-based medication management, join us today for our Monthly National Briefing featuring Dr. Brian Isetts, Professor, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy.

National Briefing Information:
May 22 | 1PM ET - 2PM ET*
Register (for free!) 
Download presentation slides here.

*One week earlier due to Memorial Day Weekend

We hope to see you at PCPCC's Western Regional Conference in Denver, CO on June 9th and 10th!  If you haven't already, 
register today.

And finally, leaders of the Pennsylvania Chronic Care Initiative offer a thoughtful must-read response to the JAMA article that questioned the effectiveness of the medical home, accessible here.


Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
This Month in Medical Home News....
Newspapers & Press
Patient-Centered Medical Home Evaluations: Let's Keep Them All in Context, Health Affairs Blog, 05/21/2014
Medical Homes, ACOs Offer Better Business Models, FierceHealthPayer, 05/21/2014
Rural hospitals a model for cutting healthcare costs, KBIA, 05/21/2014
Patient-Centered Medical Homes in Arkansas, Health Affairs Blog, 05/20/2014
In Era of Obamacare, Hospitals Increase Links to Walgreen, CVS, Forbes, 05/17/2014
Team Training Takes Off as new Era in Health Reform Dawns, Modern Healthcare, 05/17/2014
Pilot Program at Oakland Hospital Cuts HIV/AIDS Readmissions Almost in Half, California Healthline, 05/13/2014
Program Cuts 'Frequent Flier' ED Use, Med Page Today, 05/08/2014
Better Together: Medical Homes and Value-Based Designs, FierceHealthPayer, 05/07/2014
The Payment Reform Landscape: Payment for Non-Visit Functions and the Medical Home, Health Affairs Blog, 05/06/2014

Peer Review
Team-Based Care - the "Who" of the Patient-Centered Medical Home, Osteopathic Family Physician, 05/2014
Patient- and Family- Centered Care Coordination: A Framework for Integrating Care for Children and Youth Across Multiple Systems, American Academy of Pediatrics, 05/1/2014
What does Team Leadership Mean in the PCMH?, Annals of Family Medicine, 05/2014

Special Issue: Primary Care and Psychology, American Psychologist, 05/2014 *Subscription Required

Industry, Gov't & Nonprofit
New Project Seeks to Align Primary and Specialty Care for Older Adults With Complex Chronic ConditionsThe John A. Hartford Foundation, 05/20/2014
Independence Blue Cross's Primary Care Doctor Network now Has more than 300 'Medical Homes', Independence Blue Cross, 05/15/2014
Using Consumer Experience Surveys for Quality Improvement in Maine Health Centers, NASHP, 05/2014
The Work of Transforming Primary Care, Milbank Memorial Fund, 05/2014
Matching Patients with Their Providers: Lessons on Attribution and Enrollment from Four Multi-Payer Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiatives, NASHP, 05/2014

PCPCC in the News
Former Kansas Health Policy Authority Director: Health Care Delivery Is Changing, but more Needs to Be Done, Wichita Business Journal, 05/08/2014
Primary-Care Practices across Maine Take a new Approach to Help Patients and Reduce CostsMainebiz, 05/05/2014
PCMH Pilot Cuts HIV/AIDS Readmissions
Results from a patient-centered medical home pilot in California reduced 30-day hospital readmission rates for patients with HIV and AIDS from 39% in 2010 to 22% in 2014. 

The pilot program provides care for HIV/AIDS patients at Highland Hospital and four community clinics located in Alameda County. The University of California has invested $6.6 million in a total of five demonstration projects throughout California. While data from the remaining four projects have not yet been released, researchers are anticipating to see similar results.

Read more here.
Integrating Retail Clinics into Care Delivery Models
In an effort to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, health systems and hospitals are continuing to partner with retail clinics including CVS/Caremark and Walgreens, Forbes reports. Last week, CVS signed clinical affiliations with four health systems, bringing their total number of affiliations up to 36 health systems. Much like CVS, Walgreens' clinical affiliations have jumped in recent years. The organization now works with 20 health systems across the country.

Professionals at CVS and Walgreens are excited for the opportunity to collaborate with medical homes and Accountable Care Organizations and to improve access, medication management, and chronic disease monitoring for patients throughout the country.
Access full article here.
Welcome New PCPCC Member!
The Rutgers Network of Affiliated Family Medicine Residencies, the nation’s oldest family medicine residency educational network, seeks to advance the patient-centered medical home and provides a wide range of educational activities for participating program faculty, staff, and learners.
PCPCC on the Road
You can catch PCPCC CEO, Marci Nielsen at the Direct Primary Care National Summit on June 20th.

PCPCC COO Amy Gibson will give the keynote presentation at the Carolinas Medical Neighborhood Forum on June 20th.
Upcoming Events
May National Briefing
May 22 | PCPCC

The Patient-Centered Medical Home:
Early Results, Tough Scrutiny 

May 22 | IHI

Patient-Centered Medical Homes: The Promise and The Reality
May 30 | The Alliance for Health Reform

PCPCC 2014 Western Regional Conference
June 9-10 | PCPCC, CAFP, HTW

The Carolinas Medical Neighborhood Forum 
June 20 | The Medi Awards

PCPCC Annual Fall Conference
Nov. 12-14 | PCPCC

For additional events, click here.
Demand for Interprofessional Education Increases
As the health care system continues to emphasize collaborative, team-based care, experts argue that interprofessional education (IPE) and training programs are crucial to improving care delivery. 

Practices that deliver team-based care experience improved care quality outcomes and staff satisfaction, Modern Healthcare reports, and health professionals trained in team-based care can help improve care quality in the future. 

Read full article here.
Comparing National PCMH Accreditation and Recognition Programs

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) recently released a report comparing the four medical home accreditation and recognition programs. The report compares a number of factors including engagement, cost, evaluation, transparency and more. 

Access full report here.
Join us in Denver for #PCPCCWEST!
Health Care Transformation:
Overcoming Challenges to Reach the Summit
June 9 - 10, 2014  |  Denver, CO
Hyatt Regency Tech Center
Register Today!
PCPCC West Agenda

hundreds of health care professionals and medical home experts for the PCPCC's first-ever Western Regional Conference in partnership with HealthTeamWorks and the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians.
In Case You Missed It:
PCPCC Webinars
Miss last week's webinar "Integration of Clinical Pharmacists into the Medical Home: Measuring Clinical Impact"? Click here to download slides and watch the recording!

Our April National Briefing featured an overview of Independence Blue Cross' medical home efforts as well as a look at the growing Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care movement. Access slides and listen to the webinar recording here.

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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