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New Mexico

In 2009, New Mexico passed HB 710 "Medical Home-Based Care Program and Insurance" directing the Human Services Department to apply for a Medicaid waiver or State Plan Amendment (SPA) to implement a medical home program and convene an insurance task force to explore incentives for a medical home-based managed care model. In 2013, CMS approved New Mexcio's 1115 waiver known as Centennial Care. This program is built on PCMH principles including care coordination, paying for quality care and outcomes and integrated behavioral health services.  Full implementation began January 1, 2014, and is being executed through Managed Care Organization (MCO) programs. New Mexico is also working to develop a model for Behavioral Health Homes (BHH) with a comprehensive primary care model through the MCO's under Centennial Care. The state has plans to expand the health home model for other chronic conditions.

New Mexico is also a leader in the movement to integrate primary care and community-based organizations. The Health Extension Rural Offices (HEROs) work to link community priority health needs with University of New Mexico Health Science Center resources to achieve measurable improvement in health status. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2012: 
$3.3 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

School-based Health Center Improvement Partnership - New Mexico

Colorado and New Mexico will form an Interstate Alliance of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) to integrate school-based health care into a medical home approach to improve the health care of underserved school-aged children and adolescents. Colorado and New Mexico also plan to utilize SBHCs to improve the delivery of care within the school setting and to improve screening, preventive services, and management of chronic conditions. 

Home Visitation Program - Ben Archer Health Center

The Ben Archer Health Center in southern New Mexico is receiving a CMS Health Care Innovation Award to implement an innovative home visitation program for individuals diagnosed with chronic disease, persons at risk of developing diabetes, vulnerable seniors, and homebound individuals, as well as young children and hard to reach county residents. Ben Archer provides primary health and dental care to rural Dona Ana County, a medically underserved area and health professional shortage area.

Oncology Medical Homes - COME HOME Program

Innovative Oncology Business Solutions, Inc., representing 7 community oncology practices across the United States is receiving a CMS Health Care Innovation Award to implement and test a medical home model of care delivery for newly diagnosed or relapsed Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and commercially insured patients with breast, lung, or colorectal cancer. Cancer care is complicated, expensive, and often fragmented, leading to suboptimal outcomes, high cost, and patient dissatisfaction with care.

Intel Connected Care

Together, Presbyterian Healthcare Services and Intel have partnered to design a healthcare experience with a team-based approach to care delivery. Presbyterian primary care physicians and nurse practitioners will coordinate the services patients including services that require a specialist. The patient’s entire Medical Home care team will be located at Presbyterian Medical Group clinic. These team members may include: a pharmacist clinician, behavioral health clinician, diabetes educator, case manager, nurses and medical assistants, clinic support staff, or a physician assistant. 

Project ECHO- University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center is receiving a CMS Health Care Innovation Award  for its ECHO Project, which will serve areas of New Mexico and Washington. The program is based on eight years of success in New Mexico and two years in Washington State.


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