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Project ECHO- University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Program Location: 
Albuquerque, NM
Payer Type: 

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center is receiving a CMS Health Care Innovation Award  for its ECHO Project, which will serve areas of New Mexico and Washington. The program is based on eight years of success in New Mexico and two years in Washington State. The intervention will identify 5000 high cost, high-utilization, high-severity patients and uses a team of primary care intensivists, specifically trained in care for complex patients with multiple chronic diseases, working in concert with area managed care organizations and care providers, with estimated savings of over $11 million during the funding time frame. Over the three-year period, the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center's program will train an estimated 150,300 workers, while creating an estimated 8 new jobs. These workers will help increase primary care physicians' capacity to treat and manage complex patients.

Last updated Giugno 2014
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