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School-based Health Center Improvement Partnership - New Mexico

Program Location: 
Albuquerque, NM
Payer Type: 

Colorado and New Mexico will form an Interstate Alliance of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) to integrate school-based health care into a medical home approach to improve the health care of underserved school-aged children and adolescents. Colorado and New Mexico also plan to utilize SBHCs to improve the delivery of care within the school setting and to improve screening, preventive services, and management of chronic conditions. 

Specifically, this project seeks to increase the frequency and quality of preventive care services. Specific outcomes include:

  • Increasing percentage of children with up-to-date immunization records;
  • Increasing the percentage of SBHC patients who receive Chlamydia screens;
  • Increasing the percentage of students who receive screenings for depression;
  • Improving quality of behavioral healthcare by ensuring appropriate follow-up care results from depression screen;
  • Improving child and adolescent obesity prevention and treatment by ensuring that BMI screens take place and appropriate follow-up actions are taken;
  • Improving care coordination by helping sites develop ways to track referrals and communication with primary care providers and/or other providers and
  • Increasing the percentage of visits that result in communication with primary care providers and percentage of referrals with follow-ups.
  • Improving healthcare self-efficacy among the adolescent population in participating SBHCs.

For more information, see the AHRQ Evaluation Report released in May of 2014. 

Last updated Giugno 2014
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