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A strategic priority for the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) is to increase the expansion of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) throughout Ohio. The ODH is leading a statewide expansion of the PCMH in order to 1) control costs and ensure healthcare in Ohio is affordable, 2) improve health outcomes and 3) enhance the patient experience. The Patient Centered Medical Home Education Pilot Project was authorized by HB 198 of the 128th Ohio General Assembly. ODH’s first major step in implementing this pilot program was the establishment of the Ohio Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (OPCPCC). The OPCPCC is a coalition of primary care providers, insurers, employers, consumer advocates, government officials and public health professionals who came together to support a more effective and efficient model of healthcare delivery in Ohio. Care in a PCMH is foundational to all of Ohio's health improvement initiatives including the Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) initiative, State Innovation grant, dual eligibles program, and health homes program. 

Primary Care Innovations and PCMH Activity

Dual Eligible 2703 SPA CPC CPC+ PCMH QHP PCMH Legislation Private Payer

Multi-Payer Programs

State Legislation

Legislation Status Year
House Bill 198, 128th General Assembly

The bill authorized the Patient Centered Medical Home Education Pilot Project.

Enacted 2010

State Facts:

Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$16.8 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

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