The Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Education Advisory Group (EAG) and the Patient-centered Medical Home Education Pilot Program were created by Ohio’s medical home statute (HB 198 of the 128th Ohio General Assembly). The Ohio Department of Health oversees implementation of the pilot program and seeks funding to support and sustain the initiative, with the assistance and advice of the EAG. The design of this pilot is unique because of its focus on education and advancing medical and nursing education in the PCMH model of care delivery.
Objectives of the pilot are:
The project contracts with TransforMED to provide training and support for the pilot sites. A Choose Ohio First scholarship opportunity for medical school and advance practice nurse (APN) students who commit to practice primary care in Ohio was also created, to support the advancement of curricular reform to incorporate the aims and ideas of the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Substitute House Bill 198 (128th General Assembly) requires the patient-centered medical home education advisory group to reimburse up to 75 percent of a practice’s health information technology investments for participating primary care practices (including training and technical support). Ohio is using meaningful use incentives in the HITECH Act to meet this requirement. Substitute House Bill 198 (128th General Assembly) requires participating practices to receive comprehensive training on medical home operations, including leadership training, scheduling changes, staff support and care management.