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CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Award - Idaho

Program Location: 
Boise, ID
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Idaho Medical Home Collaborative (IMHC)

In April 2013, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded Idaho up to three million dollars to develop a Statewide Healthcare Innovation Plan (SHIP). The design project activities will address the needed resources to enhance communication and coordination of care across the health care continuum; opportunities for improved patient care management through patient-centered medical homes; and mechanisms to link the local health care system through partnerships with hospitals, primary care providers, and county health and social service agencies. The multi-stakeholder development process will result in a plan that will serve as the blueprint for integrating Idaho's patient-centered medical homes and move the state towards an accountable, integrated and sustainable health care delivery and payment system.

Over the next 48 months, the State of Idaho will receive approximately $40 million to implement and test its State Health Care Innovation Plan. Idaho will achieve state-wide health care system transformation that will deliver integrated, efficient and effective primary care services through patient-centered medical homes (PCMH). Specifically, Idaho will build 180 Nationally Recognized PCMH practices, including 75 Virtual PCMHs, by the end of the Model Test. Practices will be selected from each of the seven Health Districts in Idaho during the test period. The state will also support providers through expanded connectivity via electronic health exchange, and by aligning the support of public and private payers to accelerate practice transformation.

For more information, see the Idaho project narrative.

Last updated June 2015
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