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Progress Together: Becoming Data Driven

2019-07-11 15:00
Date: Thursday, July 11, 2019, 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (EDT)
The promise of using data to make more informed decisions seems simple. Consumers make data-driven decisions every day when buying household goods, booking hotels, or choosing where to eat. Businesses use data every day to determine the ads we see, the best location for expansion, or the cost of their services. But using data to drive decisions about social programs continues to remain out of reach for many policymakers and program administrators at all levels.
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2019 Direct Primary Care Summit

2019-06-28 09:00 to 2019-06-30 17:00

Deliver exceptional care. On your terms.
Join us at the 2019 DPC Summit to learn the ins and outs of practicing DPC to lower health care costs, and join hundreds of peers and experts to share knowledge and resources.

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Primary Care Transformation Summit

2019-05-20 09:00 to 2019-05-21 17:00


CMS recently announced FIVE new Primary Care Value-Based Payment Models. In order to succeed in these models and achieve maximum shared savings for your organization, hospitals, health systems, and physician groups must embrace value-based care principles. The Inaugural Primary Care Transformation Summit brings together top thought leaders from across the country to share strategies for crafting team-based approaches to care and risk management through technology and population health practices.

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Supporting Digital Innovations in Behavioral Health

2019-06-11 09:00

Mental Health America (MHA) has partnered with the Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTA) for a Policy Institute to explore what the emergence of digital therapeutics means for mental health and substance use policy. While we will not attribute anything said in the Policy Institute to any of the attendees, we will use the discussion to inform a policy brief that will help guide the field as it navigates technology, policy, and behavioral health.

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2019 Annual Research Meeting

2019-06-02 09:00 to 2019-06-04 17:00

The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) is the gathering place for more than 3,000 individuals leading the charge to transform delivery systems and health care in a rapidly changing landscape. As the premier forum for health services research (HSR), the ARM convenes the foremost experts at the intersection of health, health care, and policy to share important findings and showcase the latest research on how the health system works, what it costs, and how to improve it.

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Webinar: PCPCC Evidence Report

2017-08-16 16:00 to 17:00

Please join us for a webinar discussing our recently released annual Evidence Report: The Impact of Primary Care Transformation on Cost, Quality, and Utilization

Yalda Jabbarpour, MD (Robert Graham Center and Georgetown University Department of Family Medicine), primary author of the report, will present their findings followed by a Q & A session. This webinar is free and open to all interested parties.

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PCPCC Congressional Briefing on New Publication - Sept 6th at 3:00pm

2012-09-06 15:00

 WHAT: Briefing on "Benefits of Implementing the PCMH: A Review of Cost & Quality Results, 2012"HOST:  Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC)WHEN: Thursday, September 6 at 3 p.m.WHERE: 2168 Rayburn House Office Building (Gold Room), 45 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20515PRESENTERS:Marci Nielsen; Executive Director, Primary Care CollaborativeCarmen Hooker Odom; President, Milbank Memorial FundJustine Handelman; Vice President Legislative and Regulatory Policy, BlueCross BlueShield AssociationSPECIAL INSTUCTIONS:  All guests must pass through security in order to enter the Ray

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CMS Innovation Center Announces Participating Payers for Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative

2012-06-06 11:42

Today the CMS Innovation Center announced agreements with 45 commercial, federal and State insurers in seven markets across the country to participate in the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, a new multi-payer model designed to strengthen the primary care system and improve quality while lowering costs. Under the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, CMS will pay primary care practices a care management fee to support enhanced, coordinated services.

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Guest Speakers on the June 7th PCPCC Thursday Call

2012-06-07 12:00

Organizations Recognizing PCMHsJoin us this Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 11:00am ET on the PCPCC Weekly Call to hear brief updates from organizations that recognize/certify patient-centered medical homes.  Participating organizations will be given 5 minutes to provide callers with information pertaining to the uptake of PCMHs by health care providers and health plans and will also be available to answer questions.  

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