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Triple Aim Strategies to Integrate Behavioral Health in Primary Care

2013-06-27 15:00 to 16:00

There is a growing need to improve health care, especially at the interface between general medicine and mental health and substance abuse. Better integration of the artificial separation between physical health and mental health is the embodiment of the Triple Aim. Focusing on improving health behaviors, this webinar will describe what integrated care is at the primary care level and how it can improve Triple Aim outcomes at the clinic and system levels.

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Medicaid Health Home Implementation in Missouri: A Year Later

2013-06-27 14:00 to 15:30

As states nationwide explore Medicaid health homes as a viable solution to addressing the needs of individuals with multiple chronic conditions, there are many lessons to be learned from Missouri, one of the first states to implement Medicaid health homes and the first state to implement health homes for populations with serious mental illness. What can we learn from Missouri’s first year of implementation, where they enrolled 17,000 individuals? How has this model of integration and health delivery improved coordination and service delivery?

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Treatment Innovations: Perspectives From Addiction Providers Integrating Primary Care

2013-06-24 12:00 to 13:30

Addiction provider organizations increasingly provide onsite primary care to the people they serve through partnerships with community health centers or by expanding their in-house capacity. This recent trend is a direct result of national health reform’s emphasis on improving healthcare coordination. Also, the integration of addiction treatment and primary care can help address often interrelated physical illnesses and substance abuse by ensuring higher quality care.

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Apply for Children's Emotional Health Link Skills Training Program by Sept 2013

2013-09-12 11:00

Children's Emotional Health Link invites pediatricians, family practitioners, medical-pediatric physicians and pediatric nurse practitioners to participate in an educational program “Mastering Pediatric Care in the Age of Healthcare Reform: Thriving in a Patient-Centered Model.”  The goal of this course is to enhance pediatric practitioners' confidence in providing psychosocial assessment, management, and referral for children and families.

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Trailblazers' Vision for Quality Data Infrastructure that Enables Care Transformation

2013-05-30 12:30 to 14:00

Multi-payer payment reform. New delivery models. Patient-centered, value-based care.  Significant investment--including funding to states through CMS's State Innovations Models initiative (SIM)—has gone toward transforming care delivery. State officials and key stakeholders seeking to transform health care delivery are invited to learn about a vision for infrastructure necessary to enable this transformation.

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States Prepare for the Newly Insured: A Conversation about Mental Health and Substance Abuse Needs

2013-05-13 12:00 to 13:30

Of the 22 million uninsured expected to gain coverage under the Affordable Care Act in 2014, more than 4 million projected to take-up coverage will have mental health or substance use disorders. On this webinar, after a brief overview of new data made available by SAMHSA, state and local officials and other experts will talk about how states are preparing to ensure service access for these individuals newly covered through Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchanges. The panelists will answer questions about how this data will help to inform state decisions on issues like:

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