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Medicaid Health Home Implementation in Missouri: A Year Later

SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions

Thursday Jun 27, 2013 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm EDT
United States

As states nationwide explore Medicaid health homes as a viable solution to addressing the needs of individuals with multiple chronic conditions, there are many lessons to be learned from Missouri, one of the first states to implement Medicaid health homes and the first state to implement health homes for populations with serious mental illness. What can we learn from Missouri’s first year of implementation, where they enrolled 17,000 individuals? How has this model of integration and health delivery improved coordination and service delivery?

Dr. Joe Parks, Medical Director for Missouri’s Department of Mental Health and a Missouri Health Home provider will share outcomes achieved in Missouri’s first year of implementation. Want to know what system and organizational transformation worked and how you can take steps to prepare for Medicaid health homes? Whether you work in a state with an approved Medicaid 2703 health home proposal or not, you’ll learn some of the steps Missouri took and the measurable outcomes that have been achieved.

 After participation, attendees will:

  1.  Appreciate the measured clinical and fiscal outcomes possible through health homes and the transformative changes to provider and agency relationships that are necessary for implementation.
  2. Understand common challenges, successes, and surprises experienced by state official and health home providers during implementation.
  3. Identify the organizational changes needed to transition to a Medicaid Health Home, including the required time investments, trainings, and information technology, as well as the range of solutions possible.
  4. Gain insight into population health approaches to primary and behavioral health integration
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