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May Workshop - How to Make the Business Case for Person-Centered Care

2017-05-26 12:00 to 13:00

This presentation will define and provide a framework for establishing the business case for PCC.  Considerable interest has been shown recently in person-centered care (PCC) models of health care delivery.  In PCC, the goals of care are determined or at least significantly shaped by the individual and family and the care plan is reflective of their goals and values.

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Skills Development Day

2017-06-02 08:00 to 17:00
PFCCpartners presents a day of learning and skills development.  They will be hosting two opportunities for participants to develop their individual skills:  
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    Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement: Using Data and Discussion to Drive Improvement

    2017-09-19 18:00 to 19:00

    As part of the ACP Leadership Academy's Webinar Series " Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement," this webinar will show you how to find, use, and communicate the data that your practice already generates to propel change. 

    This webinar series is presented in partnership with ACP's Quality Connect Programs and the ACP Support and Alignment Network (SAN). 

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    Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement: QI Basics

    2017-06-08 18:00 to 19:00
    Join speaker Doron Schneider, MD, FACP, as he explains some of the key concepts in quality improvement work, including PDSAs, process mapping, and lean - and how you can use them to achieve better outcomes in your practice. 
    Dr. Schneider is currently a practicing internist and the Chief Safety and Quality Officer at Abington Hospitals - Jefferson Health.
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    Involving Patient and Family Advisors as Teachers in Medical Education

    2017-05-10 13:00 to 14:00

    Medical schools are beginning to shift their programs to align with PFCC. The University of Michigan Medical School has effectively integrated patients and families as partners, co-creators, and co-implementers in curricula transformation, admissions, and learning support processes. This presentation will walk you through a stakeholder discussion including perspectives from a medical student, patient educator, and PFCC staff member about why and how to integrate patients and families as educators in a variety of classroom settings.

    Webinar Objectives:

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    Patient and Family Involvement in Change of Shift Report

    2017-04-27 13:00 to 14:00

    Change of shift report is the time when responsibility and accountablility for the care of a patient is transferred from one nurse to another. Bringing nurse change of shift report to the bedside is integral to enhancing patient safety. Yet, discussion of the patient with the patient and/or family present raises several challenges for nursing staff. Join Terry Griffin to learn strategies for supporting patient and/or family inclusion in change of shirt report.

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    Reforming Healthcare: What Does it Mean to be Consumer Centric?

    2017-03-31 08:00 to 11:00

    All stakeholders in our health system (providers, drug manufacturers, insurers, legislators, etc.) lay claim to being consumer- or patient-centric. But what does this concept mean? At various points in the healthcare engagement life-cycle (from self-care to selecting insurance coverage, to choosing among treatments) what options and support do consumers really want our health system to provide? 

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