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Administrators, Quality Improvement Professionals, & Organizations

Research has shown that input from patients and families on care delivery and the implementation of Patient & Family Engagement strategies directly impacts quality. Health reform efforts are shifting providers’ financial incentives from fee-for-service to payment for health outcomes (value-based payment & alternative payment models). Success in a value-based payment contract requires a progressive population health strategy. Best practice models of population health align health systems with community-based organizations to synergize efforts to address the health of targeted health risks in the community.

Top Five

Reasons to Focus on Improving Patient & Family Engagement at Your Practice

  1. Improved quality and safety
  2. Improved financial performance
  3. Improved patient outcomes
  4. Increase employee satisfaction and retention
  5. Increase number of MIPS Quality Measures to report under QPP

6 Questions to Assess Patient Engagement

Does the Practice...

  1. Use an e-tool accessible to share information such as test results, medication management list, vitals, and other data?
  2. Support shared decision-making by training and ensuring clinicians and care team integrate patient goals and preferences into care plan?
  3. Use a tool to assess and measure patient activation?
  4. Assess the health literacy of your patient population (e.g. - CAHPS Health Literacy Item Set)?
  5. Promote patient-centric medication management practices (self-management of medication, etc.)?
  6. Have policies, procedures and actions taken to support patient and family participants in governance or operational decision-making committees of the practice (Person and Family Advisory Councils, Board Representatives, etc.)?

Resources by Topic

Redesigning the System Together

Quality Payment Program

CMS | October 2019
American Academy of Pediatrics | October 2019

Patient Safety

YMCA of the USA | October 2019
Get Started Here! PCPCC Bite Size Learning Modules | October 2019
CMS | October 2019

The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)

Patient Portals: How can they impact primary care? | September 2019

Policy & Governance

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | October 2019

For Small, Rural Practices

YMCA of the USA | October 2019
University of Boston, U.S. National Library of Medicine, CommunicateHealth, Inc. | October 2019
Choosing Wisely, ABIM Foundation | October 2019

For Ambulatory Practices

University of Boston, U.S. National Library of Medicine, CommunicateHealth, Inc. | October 2019
Choosing Wisely, ABIM Foundation | October 2019

E-Tools & Health IT

CMS | October 2019
Patient Portals: How can they impact primary care? | September 2019
Maine Quality Counts, PCPCC | April 2018
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