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Marie Brown

Marie Brown, MD is an internist practicing in Oak Park, IL. She has a special interest in treating diabetes, medication adherence, hypertension, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related issues.

She has practiced in Oak Park for over 20 yrs. As her patient’s personal physician, she views herself as their advocate, adviser and health-care partner. In addition to her practice she is active in several national organizations, publishes in the medical literature on diabetes and medication adherence and speaks across the country as an educator to other physicians.

Dr. Brown received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Dayton in Ohio and her Medical Degree from Rush Medical college, is board certified in Internal Medicine, a member of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Internal Medicine. In 2012, she was elected Governor of the American College of Physicians Illinois Chapter Northern Region.

Authorship and News Mentions

November 10, 2016 - Event
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