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PCPCC Releases Statement to Congress in Support of Payment Reform

PCPCC Statement to Senate Finance Committee
in Support of Health Care Payment Reform
In a July 18 letter to Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus, D-MT, and ranking member Orrin Hatch, R-UT, the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) urges Congress to support public policies that shift the current fee-for-service (FFS) system to a fee-for value system built on a strong foundation of patient-centered primary care.

Specifically we support current proposals before Congress that recommend a phased-in approach to payment reforms, and allow for additional research on the best methodologies to support the medical home. These proposals include reforming Medicare over a multi-year period, and applying new payment models that move away from FFS as we learn which models are best suited for which types of care, and in which environments. Once proven, these models should be scaled appropriately to allow for greater participation by providers throughout the entire health care system.

Click here to read CEO Marci Nielsen's statement.

Supporting Documents:
Summary of Patient-Centered Medical Home Cost & Quality Results, 2010-2013: includes an updated summary table of reported outcomes from medical home initiatives throughout the U.S., specifically cost and quality results from industry reports and peer-review literature.

The Primary Care Consensus: A Comparison of Health System Transformation Proposals: includes a crosswalk of five major health system transformation proposals and their implications for primary care and the medical home across three main strategies of payment reform, new care delivery models, and patient and consumer engagement strategies.
Contact: Michelle Shaljian, 202-417-3911,
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