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May Events: Care Coordination Webinar l National Briefing with Art Kellermann

Mark your calendar for this month's
eHealth learning events!

Thursday, May 16th

Meeting Patients Where They Are: A Medical Home Model for High-Risk, Elderly Patients
Time: 12PM - 1:30 PM ET
Registration: required; click here
This webinar will highlight a medical home model that uses advanced health IT to provide coordinated, team-based primary care for over 3,000 high-risk, elderly patients in assisted living and group home facilities.

Thursday, May 30th

May National Briefing
Time: 11AM - Noon ET

(no registration required; add to calendar)
PCPCC President, Dr. Paul Grundy will introduce Dr. Art Kellermann of the RAND Corporation to discuss findings from Dr. Kellermann's January 2013 Health Affairs article: What It Will Take to Achieve the As-Yet-Unfulfilled Promises of Health  IT.

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