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Innovative Care Delivery Models

Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease

Wednesday Apr 17, 2013 12:00 pm to 01:30 pm EDT

With new care delivery models moving ahead in the market and encouraged in the Affordable Care Act, understanding the results will shape policy moving forward. While core elements of these models vary - i.e., primary care logistics, team-based care, patient-centered focus, populations' needs - so do the payment mechanisms being deployed to support these models. Coordinating care and enabling support for these proven private sector models will require both public and private investments of time, manpower and capital, but with a conscious effort critical benefits can be reaped - lives and dollars saved - especially with regard to chronic disease prevention and management.

This event, sponsored by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD), Blue Cross Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) and the Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) will explore how several innovative care models are working with respect to health outcomes, health care costs, and innovations in care delivery and financing. Speakers will describe various programs and partnerships that employ this integrative model for health success and highlight reductions in work days lost and savings per enrollee due to reduced hospital admissions and readmissions. We'll also get a purchaser's perspective on the importance of new care models to employers.
Hosted by the Honorable Peter J. Roskam (IL-6), the event will feature:
•    Kenneth Thorpe, PhD, Chairman, Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease; Robert W. Woodruff Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy & Management, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
•    Michael Englehart, President, Advocate Physician Partners 
•    Marci Nielsen, Chief Executive Officer, Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative
•    Scott Sarran, Chief Medical Officer, Health Care Service Corporation
Lunch will be served in compliance with the Widely Attended Event exception to the Congressional Gift Ban.



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