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NASHP Webinar: Implementing Section 2703 Health Homes: Lessons from Leading States June 14, 3:00-4:30 pm (EDT)

Thursday Jun 14, 2012 03:00 pm EDT

Join NASHP for a discussion about Section 2703 of the Affordable Care Act on this medical home webinar. Webinar participants will hear from state officials who pursued the health home option and the lessons learned during implementation. The speakers are: Melinda Abrams, Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund, Patient-Centered Coordinated Care Program (moderator)Deirdre Astin, Health Program Administrator, New York State Department of Health Ralph Summers, Senior Policy Advisor, Oregon Health AuthorityLauren Tobias, Assistant Director, Division of Program Development and Management, Office of Health Insurance Programs, New York State Department of HealthCharles Townley, Policy Analyst, National Academy for State Health Policy    REGISTER HERE

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