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The Path Forward: Reimagining Primary Care During and Beyond the Pandemic

Community Health Center, Inc.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020 03:00 pm to 04:15 pm EDT
United States

As the nation struggles with the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism, the moment is upon us to deeply examine and reshape the primary care delivery system for underserved communities. Community Health Center, Inc. and its Weitzman Institute have begun to address the challenge of creating a new system of care for those historically disenfranchised due to race, ethnicity, gender, orientation and poverty, among other factors limiting access and equity.
Join us as we introduce a series of free, interactive webinars: The Path Forward.

On June 25, leadership of the Community Health Center, Inc. and the Weitzman Institute will lay out a road map for the new Path Forward. This is followed in July by two webinars: one on how to manage and improve your operations during the COVID-19 crisis, and a second on laying the foundation of a new health care delivery system. Joining us in these discussions will be nationally known experts.

We invite health center and safety net providers, staff, consumer leaders and others to join the conversation and contribute their expertise, perspective and ideas.

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