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PCPCC Learning Events: Health IT and Population Health


Health IT and Population Health - September Learning Events

Join us for this month's learning events focused on the critical topic of population health in the medical home, which will coincide with National Health IT Weekand the release of our forthcoming publication on population health management.
Shining on through Health IT:
Lessons Learned and Looking Forward with the Beacon Communities
Thursday, September 19th  l  11:30AM - 1:00 PM ET
As the award period for the Office of the National Coordinator’s (ONC) Beacon Community Program wraps up this fall, we look forward to welcoming Janhavi Kirtane from the ONC and representatives from Beacon communities to share their lessons learned, and talk about how their achievements will shape future directions and community collaborations. The presentation will also provide an overview of their newly-developed learning guides on special topics in health IT.

Thursday, September 26th  l  11:00 AM - Noon ET
Population Health with Dr. Jaan Sidorov

Jaan Sidorov is a population health expert, perhaps best known for his “Disease Management Care Blog,” a reliable and trustworthy resource about the latest resources and literature from the world of disease management, the medical home, chronic illness, and more. Jaan has over 20 years of experience in primary care, disease management and care coordination. He is a primary care general internist and former Medical Director at Geisinger Health Plan.

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