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Week in Review: Marketplace Groundswell Signals More Primary Care Support

January 17th: Marketplace Groundswell Signals More Primary Care Support
Dear Members and Friends:

What an exciting week! We saw some huge announcements from the private and public sector, signifying once again that the health care marketplace is shifting toward a system grounded in primary care and the medical home.

Some highlights from the private sector: Wal-Mart announced their support of a statewide medical home initiative in Arkansas, and UnitedHealth and the Mayo Clinic announced a pact to improve patient health and care delivery by merging insurance records and medical data.
From the public sector: CMS announced an additional 106 ACOs; Secretary Sebelius released a proposed rule that promotes consistent enrollment policies and processes for Medicaid and SCHIP; and the Office of the National Coordinator announced the winners of a national challenge to make electronic health records easier to use for patients and families.

That's some incredible progress, but we sure have a lot of work to do! We look forward to catching up with you on Thursday, January 31st at 11am for our monthly call.


Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer 

This week our Stakeholder Center leadershipgathered in Washington, D.C. to discuss their goals and priorities for the upcoming year. To learn more about their ideas and future activities we encourage you to participate in the center's February "Quarterly Open Forum Call."

Highlights from the Employer & Purchaser Center

Upcoming Webinar: Accountability in the Medical Neighborhood: Employer and Provider Perspectives Thursday, January 30th: 1PM - 2:30PM ET. Providers from IBM, Bon Secours Medical Group, and private practice will discuss the implications of accountable care environments, including care coordination, patient experience, and quality metrics.

Infographic & Brief: Lessons for Employers Seeking Higher Value Health Care Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Includes lessons for employers to improve employee health and ultimately, the health care delivery system.

Employer-Sponsored Insurance and Health Reform: Doing the Math

National Institute for Health Care Reform. This national study calculates employer incentives for offering coverage to employees pre and post-reform implementation.

News & Resources
Featured Resource
The Commonwealth Fund released Confronting Costs: Stabilizing U.S. Health Spending While Moving Toward a High Performance Health Care System and asserts that the government could save $1 trillion over a decade through a series of actions. They include provider payment reform, policies that encourage high-value choices from consumers, and strategies to reduce waste and administrative costs.
Save the Date! Upcoming PCPCC Meetings and Events

Webinar: Accountability in the Medical Neighborhood: Thurs, Jan 30th. Registration required.

PCPCC National Monthly Call -Thursday, January 31st, 11AM ET. Discussion will feature Anthem Virginia and the Bon Secours Medical Group and their recent medical home initiative (no registration required). 
The Fifth National Medical Home Summit - March 13 - 15th, Philadelphia, PA.  Register with code "PCPCC" for discounted rates; early bird discount expires Feb 8th.
2013 PCPCC Annual Fall Meeting - October 13 - 15th, Washington, DC. More than 600 attendees are expected to attend our fall meeting, featuring panels and workshops that focus on emerging issues in primary care and the medical home.

Medical Home Happenings
News from Around the Country
New designs to make health records easier for patients to use HHS, press release, 1/15. Winners of a national design competition are announced; new designs to make electronic health records easier for patients and families to use.

Wal-Mart helps underwrite Ark. medical home initiative Modern Healthcare, 1/12. The retail giant announces its support of a statewide medical home initiative in Arkansas.
UnitedHealth Joins Mayo Clinic in Pact to Improve Care Bloomberg News, 1/15. The health care heavyweights announce their partnership to merge insurance records and medical data to improve care and patient health.

A guide to health insurance exchanges Kaiser Health News, 1/10. Kaiser breaks down the basics of state health insurance exchanges.

ACOs continue to be popular, latest HHS report shows CQ Health Beat / Commonwealth Fund, 1/10. CMS announces 106 new ACOs, including 15 Advance Payment Model ACOs.

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005
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