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Upcoming Webinar, July 11th: Behavioral Health in the Medical Home

Behavioral Health Integration in the Medical Home: An Overview of the Massachusetts Self-Assessment and Online Toolkit

Date: Thursday Jul 11, 2013
Time: 12:00 pm to 01:30 pm EDT
Register now.

Sponsored by the PCPCC's Behavioral Health Special Interest Group, this webinar will feature a review of the Massachusetts Medical Home's "Behavioral Health Integration Toolkit," which is used by practices to integrate behavioral health in a primary care medical home setting. Participants will learn about the processes necessary to develop an integrated care model, and how to use the online tools developed by experts in Massachusetts.


  • Megan Burns MPP, Senior Consultant, Bailit Health Purchasing
  • Dan Mullin PsyD, Assistant Professor, Center for Integrated Primary Care and Department of Family Medicine and Community Health; University of Massachusetts Medical School

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