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Upcoming Webinar: Five Steps to Patient-Centered Culture Change
Upcoming Webinar
Beyond Projects and Programs:
5 Steps to Patient-Centered Culture Change
Wednesday, February 22nd
1:00-2:00 pm ET REGISTER HERE
This webinar, hosted by PCPCC's Support & Alignment Network, is designed for clinician leaders, practice administrators, and Practice Transformation Network (PTN) quality coaches interested in developing a sustainable 'culture' that supports meaningful patient and family engagement.
Don't miss the opportunity to hear the perspectives of two experts'- one with experience in practice redesign, and one with experience as a family caregiver interacting with health care delivery systems:
Sara Guastello is Director of Knowledge Management for Planetree. In this role, she draws on current research and observational field work in developing a range of educational and implementation resources to guide healthcare organizations in their endeavors to deliver patient-centered care.
Most recently, Sara has been examining how these critical elements of patient-centered care apply to primary care practice transformation through involvement in both the State of Connecticut's Advanced Medical Home Vanguard (part of the national State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative) and the Patient, Caregiver and Community Engagement Support and Alignment Network (part of CMS's Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative.)
Susan Brown is the Health IT Director for Telligen in West Des Moines, Iowa. Prior to working at Telligen, she was the Director of Iowa's Health IT Regional Extension Center, which provided technical assistance to over 1,500 primary care providers and 84 critical access hospitals on the meaningful use of certified EHRs.
Susan's experience in the health care system as a caregiver for two kids impacted by a serious genetic syndrome led her to co-found a local non-profit "Let's Soar Together" advocating for special needs children within the school system and the community.
As a 25-year employee in the heath care sector, she is able to understand both the patient and caregiver perspectives as well as the organization and provider perspectives.
*This webinar is free-of-charge and is supported by Grant Number 1L1CMS-331478-01-00 from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The contents provided in this webinar are solely the responsibility of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS or any of its agencies.