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Today's Presentations on Integrated Behavioral Health - Feb 19th @ Noon ET
PCPCC's Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG)
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2014 @ Noon - 1PM ET
Call-In: 712-432-0900, Access Code: 868853#
NOTE: To minimize background noise, please mute your lines when not speaking. Press *6 to mute and *6 again to unmute your line.
I. Introductions & Announcements
Round robin introductions to the group
March Call Cancelled: Next month's Behavioral Health call has been cancelled due to the National Medical Home Summit in Philadelphia. Join us instead on March 27th @ Noon ET for a Behavioral Health webinar on the topic of HIPAA. More details coming soon.
Purpose of today's call: Educate members on integrated behavioral health resources and have leading organizations present on their work.
Presentations from organizations in the field of integrated behavioral health. Please review each organizations' websites and come prepared with questions.
Leticia Ibarra, MPH, Director of Programs, Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc.
Join us for a discussion focused on how peer support can enhance primary care, chronic disease management, behavioral health and more. Peer support links people living with chronic conditions, providing them with emotional, social and practical assistance. Speakers will highlight evidence demonstrating the positive impact that peer support has on health outcomes, its role in patient engagement, and the benefits and challenges of integrating peer support in primary care settings.
Sixth Annual National Medical Home Summit March 17-19, 2014 | Philadelphia, PA
Co-hosted by PCPCC and the Thomas Jefferson University School of Population Health
Register with discount code "PCPCC."
Call for Submissions:
PCPCC's Training Programs Database We are now accepting new submissions to the Patient Centered Primary Care Training Database. Launched in December, this free online database features more than 100 primary care health professional training programs that focus on interprofessional, comprehensive, team-based care. Led by the PCPCC’s Education & Training Task Force, the database includes a range of programs from academic medical centers, community health centers, integrated health systems, and universities. Access database and submit your program here.
Bringing Behavioral Health Care to the Front Lines Integrating behavioral health treatment into the primary care setting might help remedy the behavioral healthcare shortage, even as the Affordable Care Act expands coverage for such problems. MD News, Feb 4, 2014