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PCPCC Seeking Input for Letter to Congress - Behavioral Health Agenda - Sept 18th, Noon ET
PCPCC's Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG)
Wednesday, Sept 18, 2013 @ 12:00-1:00pm EST New Toll Free Phone Lines! (888) 588-2775; Pin: 07392#
NOTE:To minimize background noise, please mute your lines when not speaking.
I. Welcome & Introductions
II. New Advisory Committee for PCPCC's Behavioral Health SIG
Alexander (Sandy) Blount, EdD, Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, Director of Behavioral Science, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Claire Gibbons, PhD, MPH, Senior Operations Manager, Robert Graham Center
Parinda Kahtri, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Director of Integrated Care, Cherokee Health Systems
Ben Miller, PsyD, Assistant Professor, Director, Office of Integrated Healthcare Research and Policy, Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
George Patrin, MD, MHA, LFACHE, FAAP, Founder/President of Serendipity Alliance, Pediatrician, Healthcare Consultant/Advocate
CJ Peek, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School
PCPCC to submit a response specifically on how integration of primary care with mental & behavioral health care can improve the health system
Prepare for Sept. 18th Call: Send us your organization's responses or come prepared to discuss recommendations for improving the mental health system specific to primary care and patient-centered medical homes in order for us to include in our response to congress.
Live on the Sept. 18th Call: Share your recommendations directly with Sandra Wilkniss, Veterans Affairs Legislative Assistant of Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) during the call.
B. Moving this Group Forward
Facilitated conversation on "pressure point" topics for this group to cover during future calls.
In-person meetings at PCPCC's fall conference - Oct 13-15th in Bethesda, MD. Register now!
C. Next Call: Moved to October 23rd, Noon ET due to conflicts with PCPCC's conference.
Learning Opportunities & Resources
PCPCC Events
Webinar Thursday, Sept 19, Noon ET.
Shining on through Health IT: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward with the Beacon Communities.
Monthly National Briefing Thursday, Sept 26th, 11AM - Noon ET
Population Health with Jaan Sidorov, MD, MHSA, FACP, Principal, Sidorov Health Solutions.
2013 PCPCC Annual Fall Conference Oct. 13-15th, Bethesda, MD
Community Connections in the Medical Neighborhood: The Future of the Primary Care Medical Home.
Behavioral Health Resources
Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care for Children and Youth This new concept and strategies report is a resource from the SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions and provides information on models of organizing service delivery for youth, core competencies of integrated systems, and supportive financing mechanisms.