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PCPCC 2013 by the numbers l Let me count the ways...

7 Days Until PCPCC 2013!
Don't miss out on this year's events!
400 registered attendees

13 sponsors and exhibitors showing their support for primary care and the medical home!

12 pre-conference workshops hosted by PCPCC Executive Committee Members
Monday, October 14, 9-11AM
Click here for descriptions

7 panel sessions with the medical home and primary care experts
Monday, October 14 - Tuesday, October 15
Panel 1: Won't You Be My Neighbor? Accountable Care Collaborations in the Medical Neighborhood
Panel 2: Transforming the Patient Experience in the Medical Home
Panel 3: Building Healthy Communities: Partnerships to Reduce Disparities and Improve Population Health
Panel 4: Strengthening the Medical Home Workforce: The Future of Education & Training

Panel 5: Countdown to 2014: State Perspectives on Health Reform
Panel 6: Strategies to Enhance Transitions in Care
Panel 7: Value-Based Purchasing in a Triple Aim World: The Employer Perspective

5 Stakeholder Center Break-Out Sessions
Tuesday, October 15, 10 AM - 12:15 PM
Advocacy & Public Policy: Bridging the Gap: The Alignment of State and Federal Health Initiatives
Care Delivery & Integration: Managing Populations, Maximizing Technology: Population Health Management in the Medical Neighborhood
Employers & Purchasers: Tracking the Shift in Benefit Design: Employers, Employees and the Medical Home
Outcomes & Evaluation: Stating the Facts: Cost, Quality, and Outcomes in the Medical Neighborhood
Patients, Families & Consumers: At the Heart of It All: Patients as the Key to Quality Improvement

2 Networking Receptions to build connections with your medical neighbors!
Sunday, October 13, 6-8 PM: Leadership Reception: limited to executive members, board members, and sponsors
Monday, October 14, 6-8 PM: General Reception
: open to all attendees

1 Barbara Starfield Award Honoring Achievements in Person-Centered Care
Tuesday, October 15th at 8:30 AM: Honoring the achievements of Dr. Richard Baron, President & CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), and former Group Director, Seamless Care Models at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI).
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