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Month in Review: Go (Primary Care) Team! Plus, National Briefing Today!

Go (Primary Care) Team!
Thursday, June 26th
Dear Members & Friends:

Thanks to those who joined us earlier this month for PCPCC's 2014 Western Regional Conference in Denver! Together with our partners - the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians and HealthTeamWorks - we welcomed 350 health care professionals to share strategies advancing patient-centered primary care and the medical home. For presentations from our speakers and keynotes, visit our conference webpage. Check out our Facebook page for conference pics and follow us on Twitter for future live event updates!

This month we also officially launched our Primary Care Innovations and PCMH Map - a unique tool that demonstrates the widespread uptake of medical home initiatives across the country. Use this map to conveniently access information on medical home initiatives and outcomes across commercial and public health plans. 

One example of a program that spans across multiple communities and is highlighted on our map is the Robert Wood Johnson's Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) grant initiative. Our tool provides information on AF4Q's overarching goals, strategies and payment model as well as information on community level implementation efforts, such as the South Central Pennsylvania Alliance, being led by WellSpan Health. Working to improve health care quality in the York/Adams county communities through several care coordination initiatives, WellSpan Health executed a complete re-design of care team roles in primary care, hospitals, specialty practices and community-based services, building on the trusted relationship between patients and their primary care team. 

We are thrilled to have WellSpan Health join us today for ouMonthly National Briefing to share key strategies used to successfully transform their care delivery system. 

National Briefing Information:
June 26 | 1PM ET - 2PM ET
Register (for free!) 
Download presentation slides here.

We look forward to having you join us, and go team USA!


Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
This Month in Medical Home News....
Newspapers & Press
The PCMH Year That Was and the One Ahead, Medpage Today, 06/19/2014
Doctors Can Bill Pharmacist Services 'Incident-To' CMS Says, Medscape, 06/19/2014
Former ONC Chief Launches Startup, Healthcare IT News, 06/18/2014
PCMH, Asthma Measures Cut Pediatric Readmissions, Medscape, 06/16/2014
Horizon Cutting Costs for Those who Use 'Patient-Centered' Doctors, New Jersey Business, 06/12/2014
State of Arkansas Taps CCNC Expertise in Care Management, Medical Homes and Population Health, PRWeb, 06/04/2014
First-of-its-kind PCMH Study: Hudson Valley Medical Homes Outperform Peer Practices Using Paper-based or Electronic Health Records, Digital Journal, 06/02/2014
Care Coordination, Medical Homes Improve Specialty Care for Special Needs Children, Healio Pediatrics, 05/30/2014

Peer Review
Implementation of the Patient-Centered Medical Home in the Veterans Health Administration, JAMA Internal Medicine, 06/23/2014
Do Experiences Consistent With a Medical-Home Model Improve Diabetes Care Measures Reported by Adult Medicaid Patients? Diabetes Care, 06/19/2014 
*Subscription Required
Linking Patient-Centered Medical Home and Asthma Measures Reduces Hospital Readmission Rates, Pediatrics, 06/16/2014 *Subscription Required
Differences in Patient Ratings of Medical Home Domains Among Adults with Diabetes, Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 06/13/2014 *Subscription Required
The Patient-Centered Medical Home, Electronic Health Records, and Quality of Care, Annals of Internal Medicine, 06/03/2014 
*Subscription Required
Patient-Centered Medical Home Initiative Produced Modest Economic Results for Veterans Health Administration, 2010-12, Health Affairs, 06/2014 *Subscription Required
A Neighborhood-Based Approach to Population Health in the Pediatric Medical Home, Journal of Community Health, 06/2014

Industry, Gov't & Nonprofit
CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States Help School-based Health Centers Strengthen their Medical Home Features, AHRQ, 05/2014
Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition 2.0Got Transition, 06/2014

PCPCC in the News
Free Mapping Tool Tracks Patient-Centered Medical Home Activity, AAFP, 06/10/2014
Experts Dive Into Realities of Patient-Centered Medical Homes, AAFP, 06/04/2014
Medical Homes: A Fix for Our Broken Healthcare System, FierceHealthcare, 05/30/2014
Medical Home Reduces Pediatric Asthma Readmissions
In 2007 alone, asthma led to more than 150,000 hospitalizations and 640,000 emergency department visits among children, authors of a recent study in Pediatrics report. The study found that compliance with all 3 Children's Asthma Care measures and follow-up appointments with a medical home significantly reduced readmission rates among patients.

The study monitored close to 800 children between the ages of 2 and 18. Compliance with postdischarge follow-up appointments among patients in the study increased from 69% to 90% over the 3 and a half year study.

Access the study here.
*Subscription required
We're Mapping the Medical Home Movement!
Released earlier this month, our Primary Care Innovations and PCMH Map captures the extensive work and commitment of nearly 500 public and private initiatives nationwide that are working to improve the U.S. health care system through enhanced primary care and the patient-centered medical home. 

Users can search for PCMH activity across the country by using three unique views including the State, National and List Views. The map also includes a number of peer reviewed and industry reported outcomes and will be updated as outcomes data is made available.

Access the PCMH Map here.
Download the fact sheet here.
Welcome New PCPCC Executive Member!

City of Hope's Medical Foundation helps advance City of Hope's nearly 100-year legacy as a leading center for biomedical research and compassionate care.
Upcoming Events
June 26th - July 31st
June National Briefing
June 26 | PCPCC

Leveraging Multiple State Data Sources to Drive Improvement in Population Health Outcomes
July 10 | State Reforum, NASHP, RWFJ

Population Health Management: Be Proactive for Your Patients
July 16 | AAFP

Patient Centered Medical Home Program: Facilitating PCMH 2014 Recognition
July 22-23 | NCQA

Introduction to NCQA's Patient-Centered Specialty Practice Recognition
July 25 | NCQA

PCPCC Annual Fall Conference
Nov. 12-14 | PCPCC

For additional events, click here.
PCMH Culture Improves Care Quality
A recent  study from the Annals of Internal Medicine found that patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) improve care quality at a higher rate than non-medical home practices. The study compared care quality delivered by physicians within PCMHs against physicians using paper medical records and electronic health records (EHRs) who do not practice in a medical home.

Physicians practicing within medical homes averaged a care quality improvement score that was 7% higher than physicians in the paper medical record group and 6% higher than the EHR group.

Access the study here.
*Subscription required
Horizon Encourages Patient-Centered Care

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey will launch two new innovative health plans that offer small employers lower premiums and employees lower out-of-pocket costs when they use Horizon's patient-centered practices.

Read more about the plans here.
Register Today for PCPCC's Annual Fall Conference!
Patient-Centered Primary Care: At the Heart of Value and Quality
November 12 - 14  |  Washington, DC
Grand Hyatt Washington
Register Today!

Join us for our 2014 Annual Fall Conference where you will have the opportunity to participate in dozens of panel discussions and workshops that will focus on the critical role that patient-centered primary care plays in achieving health care delivery system reform. 
PCPCC on the Road
PCPCC CEO, Marci Nielsen will join CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield for a panel discussion: The Promise of Care Coordination and Future of PCMH: Driving Quality Gains and Cost Savings on July 10th.

She will also present at the Mississippi Academy of Family Physician's Annual Scientific Assembly on July 21st.
In Case You Missed It:
PCPCC Webinar
Our May National Briefing featured Dr. Brian Isetts who presented lessons learned from Minnesota's experience using comprehensive team-based medication management. Access slides here.

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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