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Medical Home Week in Review: Celebrating a Year of Medical Home Achievements

December 20, 2012
Reflecting on Success in 2012
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

What an incredible year it's been for primary care, the medical home and the Primary Care Collaborative! This week we'll be reflecting
 back on these accomplishments. 

We encourage you to dial-in this morning and share your own success stories. To join today's discussion at 11 AM ET please dial (712) 432-0900 and enter access code 868853#.

Please note, there will be no weekly call or newsletter on December 27th or January 3rd. We will return on January 10th to our regular format, featuring a special discussion about engaging patients, families and caregivers in the medical home- a major priority for PCPCC in the coming year.

Happy Holidays from the PCPCC!

Amy Gibson
Chief Operating Officer

2012 Year in Review

Published Benefits of Implementing the Primary Care Medical Home: Cost and Quality Results, a review of 46 medical home initiatives that demonstrate impact on clinical and economic outcomes.

Published Using State Insurance Exchanges to Drive Better, More Cost-Effective Care, a blueprint to help guide states through the development of medical home-friendly insurance exchanges.

Hosted two conferences with more than 1,000 attendees, including our first-ever regional conference in Chicago, IL.

Provided 24 educational webinars, attracting 8,000 registrants on topics such as medication management, adolescent health, care team development, and e-health.

We welcomed 12 new members to PCPCC's Executive Committee!
What's Next for PCPCC in 2013?

In January the Stakeholder Centers will gather Co-Chairs and Cabinets for their first-ever leadership retreats to identify 2013 goals and priorities. In February, the Centers will launch Quarterly Open Forum Calls to engage general members in these activities. 

In spring 2013, we'll launch a new PCPCC website with a fresh look and dozens of features to enhance user interaction and engagement.

In March, we will co-host the Fifth National Medical Home Summit with the Thomas Jefferson School of Population Health in Philadelphia.

Spring 2013 also marks the occasion for our major Employer & Purchaser Meeting in Washington, DC to discuss innovations in benefit redesign; and a Capitol HIll briefing to educate policymakers and advocates about the value and importance of medical home.

And on October 13-15, our Annual Fall Conference will return to Washington, DC!
News & Resources
New Resources: Defining Accountable Care Success & Impact
Measuring Progress Toward Accountable Care Commonwealth Fund, 12/14. This report defines requirements for a model ACO and includes an assessment tool for ACO 'readiness.'

The ACO Surprise  Oliver Wyman's survey of existing ACOs reveals that 25 to 30 million Americans are currently served by these models and assesses  their current and potential impact.
Partner Announcements

Genetics in Primary Care Institute
National Academy for State Health Policy
Webinar: Laying the groundwork in states for payment reform and integrated Delivery - Jan. 3 


Medical Home Happenings
News from Around the Country
23 states receive bonuses for enrolling children in health coverage Health News Digest, 12/19. CMS awards state bonuses for improving children's health coverage and insurance enrollment.

After-Hours access to primary care practices linked with lower emergency department use and less unmet medical need Health Affairs, December 2012.

In the Adirondacks, a new model of primary care North Country Public Radio, 12/19. Provides an overview of the Adirondack Medical Home Pilot in upstate New York and its impact on patient health and neighboring hospitals.

Helping patients become empowered helps us all Huffington Post, 12/19. Rise K. Phillips, CEO of T.H.E. describes the importance of patient engagement for improving health and reducing health care costs.

What’s in Obama’s Offer of $400 Billion in Health Care Cuts? CQ Health Beat,12/18 (*subscription only). White House officials indicate that health care cuts will resemble the Center for American Progress' "Senior Protection Plan."
To submit content or suggest a discussion topic, please e-mail Michelle Shaljian at
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