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May Month in Review: Shared Principles for Primary Care in a New Era

Shared Principles for Primary Care in a New Era
Thursday, May 25

Dear Colleagues and Friends: 

I am pleased to update you on a multi-stakeholder effort our Collaborative has led over the past several months. In previous communications, you likely read about the forthcoming Shared Principles of Primary Care. In collaboration with Family Medicine for America’s Health and building on the Patient-Centered Medical Home Joint Principles of 2007, the Collaborative gathered feedback from stakeholders across the health care landscape to create a new set of principles — based on lessons learned over the past decade — which set the stage for the future. 

Introducing the New Shared Principles of Primary Care
This document reflects input from numerous stakeholders working collaboratively over many months to develop and finalize the new Shared Principles of Primary Care. The new, future-focused Principles serve as a shared voice and powerful framework to move the United States toward person-centered, team-based, community-aligned primary care that will help us achieve our common goals.

Sign On to Support the Future of Primary Care
Now you have an opportunity to join the effort to realize a new future for primary care. Please consider joining us by reviewing the Principles and having your organization officially “sign on” to the document. Now is the time to band together to champion advanced primary care and work toward a future of vibrant person-centered, team-based primary care that all stakeholders can support. 

To sign on by the Sept. 2 deadline, or for more information, email Jennifer Renton  or Rosi Sweeney.

Primary Care Innovations: Putting Shared Principles into Practice
The new Shared Principles and supporting organizations will be officially announced at our Annual Conference Oct. 11-12 in Washington, DC, where we will also highlight primary care innovations from around the country that exemplify the seven Principles. After your organization signs on, please save the date to join us at our conference and help launch a nationwide campaign promoting the new Shared Principles of Primary Care.

I hope you will join us in this exciting multi-stakeholder endeavor to advance primary care!

Ann Greiner, MCP
President & CEO

Annual Fall Conference to Focus on Primary Care Innovations

Mark Your Calendar for Oct. 11-12! 

Our Annual Fall Conference this year will bring the new Shared Principles of Primary Care to life by featuring primary care innovations from across the country that exemplify each of the seven principles. Conference attendees will hear first-hand about interdisciplinary primary care practice models, payment reforms, and other models of success in advanced primary care. They will also hear timely updates on key developments in the federal and state legislative and regulatory areas that affect primary care.
Mark your calendar for #PCPCC2017 at the Westin City Center in Washington, DC! Stay tuned for further details.
Inside Executive Membership

Exclusive Monthly Briefing Offered Executive Members Insight on CPC+
and Overview of New Proposed APM

Each month executive members are invited to participate in exclusive briefings to discuss internal and external developments, including strategic planning, public policy developments, and new program initiatives.
The May briefing offered members the opportunity to learn about
  • Round 2 of the Comprehensive Care Plus (CPC+) program from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
  • Alternative payment model for primary care proposed by the American Academy of Family Physicians 

Rayva Virginkar, National Payer Engagement Lead for the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) model, U.S. Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Kent Moore, Senior Strategist, Physician Payment, American Academy of Family Physicians

Robert Bennett, Federal Regulatory Manager, American Academy of Family Physicians


Webinar Recording Available
Current executive members can contact us for a copy of the archived webinar. If your organization is not currently an executive member and you're interested in joining us, please contact us for more information.  

News of Note
15 Quick Facts from CBO Report on Obamacare Repeal Bill
Modern Healthcare | 05/24/17

Up to 1,000 Primary Care Practices Expected for CPC+ Round 2, Qualifying for Advanced APM Quality Payments
Healthcare Finance News | 05/18/17

CMS Expands Comprehensive Primary Care Plus to New Regions
Health IT Analytics | 05/17/17

A Pharmacy Payment Model in the Medical Home
Modern Medicine  | 05/16/17

What’s the Latest Evidence on Patient Engagement by Primary Care Practices?
Health Innovation Highlights  | 05/17/17

NCQA: Patient-Centered Medical Home No Longer “Unduly Onerous”
HealthIT Analytics | 05/10/17

Investment In Primary Care Is Needed To Achieve The Triple Aim
Health Affairs Blog | 05/10/17
Have You Mastered Patient, Family Engagement? Free PCPCC Resource Can Get Your Practice Going
AAFP News | 05/10/17

Clinical Quality and the Patient-Centered Medical Home
JAMA | 05/01/17

View additional primary care-related news articles and studies from May on our website at
Practice Transformation Corner

What's the Update on PCPCC's Person & Family Engagement Work?

The PCPCC Support and Alignment Network (SAN) and collaborating partners are diligently working with Practice Transformation Networks (PTN) to accelerate the pace of practice transformation for clinicians enrolled in TCPI nationwide. We believe that engaging patients and their families is the foundation of effective and sustainable transformation that will help prepare clinicians for the CMS Quality Payment Program. Our role as a SAN is to offer technical assistance to all 31 PTNs and their enrolled clinicians on effective approaches to engaging patients and families. 

Some examples of our collaborative technical assistance include:
  • Facilitating a training session with the Southwest Pediatric PTN (at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County) for pediatric clinicians and patient/family advisors on strategies for making practices more engaging to patients. 
  • Conducting an onsite, full-day training session for the Rhode Island Quality Improvement (RIQI) PTN on person and family engagement. We will help RIQI’s practice coaches develop more effective strategies to engage clinicians in adopting person and family engagement.
  • Hosting a national learning network, advised by six PTNs that have enrolled pediatric practices to focus on asthma quality improvement using person and family engagement tactics. 
  • Developing a customized training for QualityImpactWashington Department of Health, and the Pacific Business Group on Health PTNs to help them more effectively work with clinicians on person and family engagement – a core element of practice transformation.
Are you participating in TCPI and need support on quality improvement around person and family engagement? Contact us for more information!
Welcome New Executive Members!

America's Agenda is an alliance of labor unions, employers, health care providers and government leaders who share a common commitment to achieving affordable access to high-quality health care for all Americans. The organization is a leader in redesigning the health care experience for America's workers, and their families, in both the public and private sectors. At the heart of all our care delivery design initiatives is a consistent focus on high-value, relationship-based primary care as the focus for overall delivery and coordination of great patient care.
CMS Quality Payment Program News
New Technical Resource Guide Available
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently published a Technical Assistance Resource Guide, which concisely highlights all of the support that is available to clinicians participating in the Quality Payment Program. It contains brief summaries on each branch of technical assistance, contact information, and maps to illustrate coverage areas. You can access the Technical Assistance Resource Guide at under the Education and Tools section, or download it directly here

Upcoming Events

May 25 - June 27
Webinar: Delivering Quality Integrated Care with an Emphasis on Patient and Family Engagement (PFE)
May 25 | co-hosted by the PCPCC and the Care Transitions PTN
Primary Care Development Corporation Annual Spring Gala
June 5 | New York, NY

Webinar: Clone of QI Basics for Advisors
June 6 | hosted by PFCCpartners

Webinar: Improving Patient Outcomes through Quality Improvement: QI Basics
June 8 | hosted by the American College of Physicians

CAPG Annual Conference
June 22 | San Diego, CA

National Bundled Payment Summit
June 26-28 | Arlington, VA

Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health Care Through the Lens of Prevention
June 27-30 | Ft. Worth, TX

Webinar: PCPCC Executive Member Monthly Briefing
June 27 | hosted by the Primary Care Collaborative

Our Annual Fall Conference will be held Oct. 11-12 in Washington, DC.

For additional events, click here.

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Primary Care Collaborative · 601 13th Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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