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July Month in Review: PCPCC's Strategic Plan: A Blueprint for the Medical Home

PCPCC's Strategic Plan: A Blueprint for the Medical Home
July 30, 2015

Dear Members and Friends,

Despite the annual summer slowdown, July has been an exciting month at the Collaborative as we announced our Strategic Plan, 2015-2018.  This new plan provides a blueprint for how we will collaborate and align our work to drive support for primary care. Building upon the significant progress already made, these four strategic priorities will help guide us over the coming years:
  • Promoting increased primary care investment and alternate payment models.
  • Promoting clinical transformation and integration with the medical neighborhood and communities.
  • Engaging patients/families, consumers, employees/employers in advancing primary care.
  • Supporting an interprofessional team-based health workforce that embraces all members of the care team.
Listen to our recently recorded webinar and view our slides that describe the current challenges we face in health system transformation and provide a comprehensive overview of our plan. Thanks to guest speakers and center co-chairs, Brad Thompson, Dr. Bill Warning, and Dan Lowenstein for joining us on the webinar and helping us move this work forward. 
Our strategic plan provides a framework for our collective activities, but we need all of your active engagement to promote system level change.  Join us at the PCPCC's Annual Meeting in Washington, DC November 11-13th, where we will address these strategic priorities and do what we do best: convene & network, disseminate resources, and educate on the medical home and advanced primary care. 
In the interim, join us today for our National Briefing  with Eilizabeth Mitchell from the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement to learn about regional collaborations that are demonstrating success in meeting community priorities. See below for more details, and register here!

Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
National Briefing Today!
Clinicians and Patients: Natural Partners in Identifying the Right Care (Quantifying Total Cost of Care)
July 30, 1-2pm ET
As patients encounter rising costs for health care services, there are new opportunities for clinicians to work with patients to understand how informed referrals and shared decision-making can improve patient experience. Too often, clinicians don't have information on the relative cost of health care services or facilities. In an effort to work toward standardization and enable comparisons, the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI) recently completed an 18 month pilot to produce total cost of care and resource-use data in 5 regions. Multi-payer claims data was used by physicians in participating regions and a physician leadership seminar was held to educate, engage, and create a peer support network for effective use of data to drive practice transformation. This webinar will feature program results and a provide a summary of the next phase of NRHI's innovative work in this space. 

Explore pilot results here.
Elizabeth Mitchell, President & CEO, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement
Register todayThis event is free to the public but advanced registration is required.
Top 5 Must Reads
View additional PCMH-related news and peer-reviewed studies from this month at
New PCMH Program Results
study published in Health Affairs this month highlights how an increased emphasis on primary care can improve continuity of care and significantly reduce expensive emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations. For more information, check out the California Health Care Coverage Initiative page on our Primary Care Innovations and PCMH Map

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan also released impressive program results this month. In a July 13th announcement, the health plan reported that it has saved an estimated $512 million over six years by increasing patient access to preventive services, reducing unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations, and improving chronic disease management. Click here to find out more about the program. 

In addition, CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield announced today that health care costs for its PCMH program members were $345 million less than expected for 2014! The program also reported encouraging reductions in ED visits and hospitalizations. 
Recently Released Papers and Reports

Primary Care Appointment Availability For New Medicaid Patients Increased After Medicaid Expansion In Michigan | Health Affairs

Who's going to care? Analysis and Recommendations for Building New York’s Care Coordination and Care Management Workforce | PCDC

Many Medicaid Beneficiaries Receive Care Consistent With Attributes of Patient-Centered Medical Homes | Health Affairs

An Overview of the Patient-Centered Medical Home for Rural Patients, Caregivers, and Healthcare Stakeholders The Center for Children and Families, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare

The Integration of Care for Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Other Behavioral Health Conditions into Primary Care: An American College of Physicians Position Paper 
| Annals of Internal Medicine

NC Medicaid Spending Flat, Predictable. Budget Overruns Not Due to Rising Spending
| Community Care of North Carolina

Medicare and Medicaid Celebrate 50 Years! 
Medicare and Medicaid turn 50 today! Check out this week's news coverage celebrating this exciting accomplishment in health policy: 

50 Years of Ensuring Coverage and Care | The Commonwealth Fund

Happy 50th Birthday, Medicare. Your Patients Are Getting Healthier | NPR

Then & Now: Medicare and Medicaid Turn 50 | The Associated Press

As Medicare and Medicaid Turn 50, Use of Private Health Plans Surges | The New York Times

Check out our fantastic lineup for the PCPCC 2015 Annual Fall Conference! Experts from around the country will join us to discuss patient-centered primary care innovations in both public and private sectors. 

Keynote speakers this year include:
Juliette Schlucter
Caregiver & Director, Center for Child & Family Experience, NYU Langone Medical Center

Patrick Conway, MD
Deputy Administrator - CMS Innovation Center, US Department of Health and Human Services

Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH
President & Founder - HealthBegins

Hala Durrah, Adeeb & Ayah Jaber
3 Voices, 1 Journey: A Patient-Family Story

Visit our conference site to learn more and register before Oct 1st with our Early Bird discounts!
PCPCC Welcomes New Executive Members!
ACOFP is a national, not-for-profit medical association representing 20,000 osteopathic family physicians, residents and students. Its mission is to promote excellence in osteopathic family medicine through quality education, visionary leadership and responsible advocacy. Learn more here

Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of strategy and technology consulting for more than 90 years. Providing a broad range of services in strategy, operations, organization and change, information technology, systems engineering, and program management, Booz Allen is committed to delivering results that endure. Learn more here.
PCPCC on the Road
PCPCC CEO Marci Nielsen will facilitate a National Leaders Summit, hosted by RWJF on Aug 13-14, to create actionable recommendations that advance behavioral health integration. On Aug 18th, Marci will be hosting a webinar on PCMH evidence with the Scottsdale Institute.  She will also be a presenter on Sept 17th at the VNAA Public Policy Leadership conference in DC.

PCPCC President Paul Grundy 
will participate in a committee with ACOEM, Aug 17-18 in Elk Grove Village, IL  to discuss how occupational medicine and workplace health & safety initiatives can be leveraged to contribute to the evolution of ACO and PCMH on a national level.

Marci and Paul will also be speaking on Sept 22 at the KC Medical Society event, Getting to Value: The Future of Physician Compensation.
Upcoming Events
July 30 - Sep 30
Webinar on Value-Based Pay for Physicians 
July 30 | The Commonwealth Fund

Introduction to PCMH: Foundational Concepts of the Medical Home
Aug 31 - Sept 1
| Baltimore, Lord Baltimore Hotel | NCQA

Advanced PCMH: Mastering the Medical Home Transformation
Sep. 2
 |  Baltimore, Lord Baltimore Hotel | NCQA

The Tom Bodenheimer Symposium and Gala
Sep. 25 & 26 San Francisco, Hotel Nikko | UCSF - Center for Excellence in Primary Care

For additional events, click here.

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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