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Join us Today for PCPCC's eHealth Call @ Noon ET


PCPCC's eHealth Special Interest Group (SIG)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 @ Noon -1:00PM ET
Call-In: 712-432-0900, Access Code: 868853#

NOTE: To minimize background noise, please dial *6 to mute your lines when not speaking.

I.   Welcome & Introductions

II.   Discussion

A. PCPCC's Next Webinar: Consumer Engagement in a Rapidly Evolving Health Care Environment - A Look at the Consumer eHealth Readiness Tool.  Learn more here.

B. Potential eHealth SIG Project: Develop a white paper focused on "Consumer Connections: How Can Consumers of eHealth Be Best Served?" 
  • Review draft outline for paper here
  • Define audience
  • Integration into current activity of PCPCC's Center for Patients, Families & Consumers
  • Identify partnerships and potential funding sources
  • Identify potential case studies/stories to include
C. Future Monthly SIG Calls: Please email Tara Hacker,, any recommendations for eHealth topics or speakers.

NEXT CALL: Our next call for this group will be on Tuesday, Mar 4th at Noon ET.

Learning Opportunities & Resources

PCPCC Events

Consumer Engagement in Rapidly Evolving Health Care Environment
Thurs, Feb 13, Noon-1PM ET  | Webinar
Featuring Rose Maljanian of HealthCAWS, Inc who will discuss the importance of consumer engagement in eHealth as well as an overview of the Consumer eHealth Readiness Tool (CeRT).

Sixth Annual National Medical Home Summit
March 17-19, 2014   |  Philadelphia, PA
Co-hosted by PCPCC and the Thomas Jefferson University School of Population Health
Register with discount code "PCPCC."

Health Care Transformation: Overcoming Challenges to Reach the Summit
June 9 - 10, 2014  |  Denver, CO
Early Bird Registration ends March 14th!

Patient-Centered Primary Care: At the Heart of Value and Quality
November 12-14, 2014 | Washington, DC
Registration coming soon!
HIT Resources

Trends and Drivers of Primary Care Physicians' Use of HIT
Health Services Research, Feb 2014

Top Ten Consumer Benefits of HIT
Consumer Partnership for eHealth, National Partnership for Women & Families, Apr 2013

How does patient engagement transform into useful EHR data?
EHR Intelligence, 1/14/14

Personal HIT - Paradigm for Providers and Patients to Transform Healthcare through Patient Engagement
HIMSS, 9/6/13

The Consumer Platform for HIT
Consumer Partnership for eHealth, May 2011

The Medical Home from the Consumer Perspective
National Partnership for Women & Families, 2013

If You Build It, Will They Come? Designing Truly Patient-Centered Health Care
Health Affairs, May 2010

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