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Join our Behavioral Health Group to Discuss Draft Slide Deck: Today @ Noon ET


PCPCC's Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 @ 12:00-1:00PM ET
Call-In: 712-432-0900, Access Code: 868853#

NOTE: To minimize background noise, please mute your line when not speaking. Press *6 to mute and *6 again to unmute your line.
Call Agenda
I.  Welcome & Introductions
II.  Discussion of DRAFT Behavioral Health Slide Deck
  • Access DRAFT Slide Deck here (Note: This is not a final version of the slides; we still need to make significant formatting edits to the deck.  Today's discussion will focus on content edits still needed.)
  • Access discussion slides from CJ Peek on Taxonomy of Integrated Models here
III. Closing Remarks

Next Call: Please mark your calendars and join us next month on Wed, July 16th @ Noon ET.
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