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Interprofessional Training and Primary Care Podcast #3 Released Today!

Stories from the Nexus:
Podcast Series Explores Interprofessional Training
in Primary Care
Chapter 3 Released Today! 

Today in collaboration with the National Center, the PCPCC is releasing Chapter 3 of a five-part podcast series based on the PCPCC publication “Progress and Promise: Profiles in Interprofessional Health Training to Deliver Patient-Centered Primary Care,” which explored advanced primary care practices in exemplary interprofessional education teaching programs.

In Chapter 3, Dr. Bill Warning and Mark Britton, PharmD, discuss the unique approach the University of Oklahoma is using to integrate pharmacists into primary care. Learn how relationship building among different professions is helping to meet the demands of a diverse population and improve outcomes among patients with diabetes. 

Following a Q&A format, each chapter provides a deep-dive into three of the seven programs highlighted in “Progress and Promise” by sharing the program's experiences, opportunities, and challenges in building and maintaining an interprofessional program. A new podcast will be released every Thursday between March 26 - April 23 on the National Center and PCPCC websites. The first two podcasts can be listened to here
PCPCC Events
Early Bird Rate Ends Tomorrow!
Patient Engagement Through Technology
12th Annual CAPG Healthcare Conference
Featuring a Special PCPCC Preconference
Thursday, June 11, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA

We’re pleased to invite you to the 2015 CAPG Healthcare Conference, where the PCPCC is co-hosting a preconference session, Primary Care Innovation and the Patient-Centered Medical Home.

PCPCC members receive discounted Conference registration. Provider Members can sign up at the CAPG member price of $890 through April 10 ($990 thereafter), and Executive Members at $1795, a $100 savings. The preconference session is included with conference registration. To register at these rates, please visit and under “Registration Type,” select “PCPCC Member.”
Everything you know about gamification is wrong. Gamification is NOT about points and badges and leaderboards. Putting points and badges on top of systems that were not designed to be game-like is like welding wheels on a bicycle. It looks from a distance like it will work, but the results are guaranteed to disappoint. 

Ayogo CEO Michael Fergusson will join the PCPCC on April 23 at noon EST to walk you through the fundamentals of game psychology, so you can utilize these crucial building blocks in your own patient engagement projects. Ayogo is a recognized global leader in the application of game psychology and social patterning effects to the design healthcare applications. Their Empower framework has improved health and financial outcomes for healthcare organizations around the world. 

Register today! 
Upcoming Partner Events
Visiting Nurse Associations of America

April 22: Beyond Practice: Fostering Diverse Partnerships for Successful Care Coordination The National Center for Medical Home Implementation 
View more April events on our website at

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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