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Final Interprofessional Training and Primary Care Podcast Released Today!

Stories from the Nexus:
Podcast Series Explores Interprofessional Training
in Primary Care
Final Chapter Released Today! 

Today in collaboration with the National Center, the PCPCC is releasing the last Chapter of a five-part podcast series based on the PCPCC publication “Progress and Promise: Profiles in Interprofessional Health Training to Deliver Patient-Centered Primary Care,” which explored advanced primary care practices in exemplary interprofessional education teaching programs.

In Chapter 5, Dr. Brandt and Dr. Nielsen close out the series with reflections on successful strategies used by each of the profiled programs, overcoming challenges in team building and funding, and how to use resources available at the National Center and PCPCC to start an interprofessional training program. 

Following a Q&A format, each chapter provides a deep-dive into three of the seven programs highlighted in “Progress and Promise” by sharing the program's experiences, opportunities, and challenges in building and maintaining an interprofessional program. The first four podcasts can be listened to here
Join us for CAPG's Annual Health Care Conference
April National Briefing
12th Annual CAPG Healthcare Conference
Featuring a Special PCPCC Preconference
Thursday, June 11, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA

We’re pleased to invite you to the 2015 CAPG Healthcare Conference, where the PCPCC is co-hosting a preconference session, Primary Care Innovation and the Patient-Centered Medical Home.

PCPCC members receive discounted conference registration. PCPCC provider members can sign up at the CAPG member price of $990 and Executive Members at $1795. The preconference session is included with conference registration. To register at these rates, please visit and under “Registration Type,” select “PCPCC Member.”
Last month, Consumers Union, the advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, launched the Health Care Value Hub, a networking and resource center for advocates working for lower costs and better value in health care.

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Health Care Value Hub will support and connect consumer advocates across the United States, providing comprehensive, research-based information and tools to help them advocate for policies that reduce health care costs and increase quality.

Join the PCPCC for a webinar on Thursday, April 30 at 1 p.m. EST to hear Lynn Quincy, Hub director, discuss the new Health Care Value Hub.

Register today!

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Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative · 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 430 North · Washington, DC 20005 · USA

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