Join a PCPCC webinar to hearMark McClellanof the Brookings Institution discuss the important role primary care leadership plays in health care transformation, including physician-led ACOs and other payment reform initiatives.
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Dr. McClellan will also discuss ways that Sustainable Growth Rate and other payment reforms can reinforce and encourage the development of physician-led ACOs and other delivery system transformations, such as more team-based care, better use of advanced practice nurses, and the further development of medical homes.
Speakers: Mark McClellan, MD, PhD: Senior Fellow and Director of the Health Care Innovation and Value Initiative at The Brookings Institution
REGISTER This event is free of charge but advanced registration is required.
You're invited - PCPCC's Congressional Briefing
Speakers: PCPCC, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Milbank Memorial Fund, American Academy of Family Physicians, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Ohio Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative, and Wellpoint. Click here for more information.
What: Hosted by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the PCPCC will release its newest report, The Patient-Centered Medical Home's Impact on Cost and Quality, Review of Evidence 2013-2014. When: Friday, Jan. 30, 2015, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET. Where: Capitol Visitor Center, SVC 203-02, Washington, DC. Who: Open to the public, advanced registration required. Space limited. Lunch will be provided. RSVP:Registerby Jan. 19, 2014.
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RT @LarryMcNeely1: @LizFowler_ cites lower access to primary care, investment. Acknowledges decades of underinvestment and admin burden. —
1 year 8 months ago