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Annual Report: The PCMH's Impact on Cost & Quality, 2012-2013

The Year in Review:
How the PCMH is Impacting Cost, Quality, and Population Health

Dear Members and Friends:
We are excited to announce the release of PCPCC’s Annual Report, The Patient-Centered Medical Home’s Impact on Cost & Quality: An Annual Update of the Evidence, 2012-2013.  Our analysis found that PCMH model is having a significant impact on reducing costs of care, unnecessary emergency department (ED) and hospital visits, as well as increasing the provision of preventive services and improving population health.
Download the report 

Among the report’s findings, approximately 60% of the PCMH evaluations reported decreases in cost of care or use of unnecessary / avoidable services, while approximately 30% reported improvements in population health. Supported by the Milbank Memorial Fund, the report analyzed quantitative outcomes across 20 medical home evaluations from August 2012-2013, including thirteen peer-review and seven industry-generated evaluations.
The report provides results from health plans, integrated health systems, academic medical centers, multi-payer initiatives, the US Military, and the Veterans Administration. The report also highlights the importance of recognizing the foundational role of the PCMH model in strengthening ACOs and the emerging medical neighborhood model, and transitioning the US health care system away from a fee-for-service (FFS) model to one that rewards quality, efficiency, and innovation.

We will also discuss the report's findings during our National Monthly Briefing on Thursday, January 30th at 1pm - 2pm EST. To register, click here.

Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH

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