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Agenda for PCPCC's Behavioral Health Group - June 19th Call


PCPCC's Behavioral Health Special Interest Group (SIG)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 @ 12:00-1:00pm EST
Call-In: (712) 432-0900; Participant Access Code: 765978#

NOTE: To minimize background noise, please mute your lines when not speaking.  Press *6 to mute and *6 again to unmute your line.
I.   Introductions
II.   Announcements

A.  Behavioral Health Month. During July we will be featuring news, resources, and communications that highlight the topic of behavioral health and its integration into primary care and the patient-centered medical home.  Mark your calendars for these events and help spread the word to your colleagues!
  • Webinar: July 11th, Noon - 1:30PM ET. Behavioral Health Integration in the Medical Home: An Overview of the Massachusetts Self-Assessment and Online Toolkit.  Register here.
  • National Briefing: July 25th, 11AM - Noon ET. The Colorado Experiment: Primary Care and Behavioral Health.  Join representatives from HealthTeamWorks and the Multi-Payer Collaborative as they discuss innovations for successfully integrating behavioral health and primary care in a medical home practice. Registration coming soon!
B.  Webpage Re-Construction.  In preparation for July, we are focusing our efforts on building up our Behavioral Health webpages.  Stay tuned as we get more resources added, including the PCPCC toolkits listed below (originally prepared by this SIG).
III.   Discussion

A.  Questions from Dr. Howard King, MD, MPH, Pediatrician, Leadership Team for Children's Emotional Health Link.  Review
Rita Charon's Narrative in the New England Journal of Medicine (subscription required).
  • Who is the "real" patient in health care delivered to children?
  • Are longer visits with parents reimbursable?
  • Role of family histories
  • Acknowledging the need for self-awareness on part of the professional
  • Teaching colleagues how they can learn from their process recordings
B.  Recommendations for Group's Online Discussions:
  • July - our goal is to feature more topics posted as online discussions
  • David Pollack: Models for payment of consultative, non-face-to-face encounters for specialty services including mental and behavioral health, substance abuse, etc
  • Other Ideas?

Learning Opportunities & Resources

PCPCC Events
Monthly National Briefing
Thursday, June 27, 11AM - Noon ET
Join us for an interactive dialogue with Dr. Kavita Patel from
The Brookings Institution who will speak on payment reform recommendations for physicians.  In addition, we will discuss our recently Board-approved Strategic Plan, and reveal upcoming Stakeholder Center projects and activities.

In Search of Joy in Practice: Innovations from 23 High-Performing Primary Care Practices
Friday, June 28, Noon - 1:30PM ET
This webinar will feature Dr. Christine and Tom Sinsky, authors of a recent
Annals of Family Medicine study that identifies practical solutions for improving physician work-life satisfaction, attracting future physicians into the field of primary care, and improving the quality of patient care.

eHealth Special Interest Group: Conference Call
Tuesday, July 2, Noon - 1PM ET

2013 PCPCC Annual Fall Conference
Oct. 13-15th, Bethesda, MD
Community Connections in the Medical Neighborhood: The Future of the Primary Care Medical Home. Early Bird Registration ends August 30, 2013.
Behavioral Health Resources

Take the Step in June: Raise PTSD Awareness
The National Center for PTSD has released several promotional materials and tools, including flyers, brochures, social media platforms, Public Service Announcements, and online learning tools to help increase awareness, change beliefs, and promote screening and treatment options for this disorder.
Partner Events

Treatment Innovations: Perspectives from Addiction Providers Integrating Primary Care
Monday, June 24, 12-1:30PM ET
Join this SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions webinar to hear about early adopters of addiction treatment and primary care integration.

Medicaid Health Home Implementation in Missouri: A Year Later
Thursday, June 27, 2-3PM ET
Join this SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions webinar to hear about Missouri's experience in implementing Health Homes for 17,000 Medicaid beneficiaries with serious mental illness.

Triple Aim Strategies to Integrate Behavioral Health in Primary Care
Thursday, June 27, 3-4PM ET
This Hospital in Pursuit of Excellence (HPOE) webinar will feature Dr. Robin Henderson of Health Integration Projects and Dr. Ben Miller of the Collaborative Care Research Network who will discuss integrating mental health resources into the continuum of care.

Disability Management and a Culture of Health
July 25, Noon - 1PM ET
The Disability Management Employer Coalition will host a session on how to engage employers in health and wellness programs.

Mastering Pediatric Care in the Age of Healthcare Reform: Thriving in a Patient-Centered Model
Sept 12, 2013 - Aug 14, 2014, Newton, MA
Apply for Children's Emotional Health Link Skills Training Program by September 2013.
Expert Speakers

Carol Alter, MD - Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Hospital; Board Member and Past-President, Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine

Cynthia Belar, PhD - Executive Director, Education Directorate, American Psychological Association

Alexander Blount, EDD - Clinical Professor, Family Medicine & Community Health, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Frank deGruy, MD - Woodward Chisholm Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine,
University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine

George DelGrosso - Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council

Larry Green, MD - Professor, Epperson Zorn Chair for Innovation in Family Medicine and Primary Care, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine

Steve Hurd, PhD - Executive Director, Marillac Clinic

Roger Kathol, MD -  President, Cartesian Solutions, Inc.

Rodger Kessler, PhD - Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Professor, University of Vermont

Gerald Malone - Non-Executive Chairman of the Board, Ultrasis, United Kingdom

Barbara J. Mauer - President, MCPP Healthcare Consulting

Susan McDaniel, PhD - Family Psychologist and Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center

Benjamin Miller, PsyD – Assistant Professor, Director, Office of Integrated Healthcare Research and Policy, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine

Gary Oftedahl, MD - Chief Knowledge Officer, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement

Thomas Parry, PhD - President, Integrated Benefits Institute

David Pollack, MD – Professor for Public Policy, Departments of Psychiatry, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Science University

Bob Phillips, MD - Vice President for Research & Policy, American Board of Family Medicine

John Rogers, MD - Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine; Task Force Co-Chair, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Ken Thompson, MD  – Chief Medical Officer, Recovery Innovations, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Jurgen Unutzer, MD - Director, IMPACT Implementation Center, Professor and Vice Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Wayne Katon, MD - Professor, University of Washington Medical School

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