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New York

New York State has been a national leader in medical home activity and currently has the largest number of regional, multi-payer PCMH initiatives. In 2009, the New York State Assembly authorized two medical home demonstration projects - a multi-payer Medical Home Demonstration in the Adirondack region and a statewide Medicaid PCMH demonstration. In July 2010, Article 5, Title 11 of the New York State Social Services Law, Section 364-m gave the Commissioner of Health the authority to establish a Statewide PCMH program whereby providers who are recognized by the NCQA are eligible to receive additional payments for services provided to Medicaid FFS and managed care enrollees. Preliminary analyses conducted by the NYSDOH indicate that MMC enrollees assigned to a provider within a PCMH have higher quality of care and outcomes as defined by standardized measures of quality. In addition, clinical areas where PCMH providers were initially underperforming such as appropriate antibiotic prescribing, have improved from 2010 to 2011. The Commissioner of Health has the authority to continue the Adirondack program until March 31, 2014. A recent budget request will extend the statewide program until March 31, 2016. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$54.4 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 
Investment Description: 
New Yorks's legislation was vetoed. 

North Hudson-Capital Region (NY) Comprehensive Primary Care Plus

The New Hudson-Capitol Regions of New York was one of four regions selected to participate in round 2 of the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus Initiative (CPC+) administered by CMS. CPC+ is an advanced primary care medical home model that rewards value and quality through innovative payments that support comprehensive care. CPC+ is an initiative developed by CMS that transitions Medicare fee-for-service to value-based payments in collaboration with Medicaid and commercial payers.

Lack of Access to Primary Care Linked to Poor Health Status in New York State

This is an important new report from PCDC. It further proves that primary care is critical to creating healthy communities, ensuring health equity, and reducing health care costs!

Many Recommend Teaching Mental Health in Schools. Now Two States Will Require It.

Amid sharply rising rates of teen suicide and adolescent mental illness, two states have enacted laws that for the first time require public schools to include mental health education in their basic curriculum.

Most states require health education in all public schools, and state laws have been enacted in many states to require health teachers to include lessons on tobacco, drugs and alcohol, cancer detection and safe sex. 

News Author: 
Christine Vestal

PCDC Announces $1B Milestone in Expanding Primary Care

No anniversary is complete without a big surprise — but not typically this big. PCDC capped its 25th Anniversary Gala last evening by announcing a milestone threshold: a total of $1 billion in investments to expand primary care.

AAFP Urges Swift Passage of Primary Care Patient Protection Act

Bill Would Cover Primary-care Visits That Patients Often Skip

The AAFP this week called on Congress to pass the recently introduced Primary Care Patient Protection Act, which would make it easier for patients with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to see their primary care physicians.

Primary Care Patient Protection Act Makes Necessary Health Services Affordable

“Americans will have access to essential primary care and preventive health services under the Primary Care Patient Protection Act of 2018, introduced this week by U.S. Representatives Brad Schneider (D-Illinois) and Elise Stefanik (R-New York). The American Academy of Family Physicians applauds the introduction of this bill. Requiring high-deductible health plans to include a set of primary care visits independent of cost for patients will bring necessary health services within the financial reach of millions of Americans.

The Disappearing Doctor: How Mega-Mergers Are Changing the Business of Medical Care

Is the doctor in?

In this new medical age of urgent care centers and retail clinics, that’s not a simple question. Nor does it have a simple answer, as primary care doctors become increasingly scarce.

News Author: 
Reed Abelson
Julie Creswell

PCDC Urges NYS Legislators to Protect PCMH Incentive Program

PCDC is among several leading organizations urging New York State elected officials to oppose a $20 million reduction to Patient-Centered Medical Home incentive payments.

Primary Care Transformation Across The Largest Safety-Net Health System In The United States

A strong primary care foundation is widely understood as important for high-value health care systems. Greater use of primary care has been associated with better patient satisfaction, lower costs, fewer hospitalizations, and lower mortality.

News Author: 
Rebecca Miller
Dhruv Khullar
Kaushal Challa
Christina Jenkins
Dave A. Chokshi

PCDC Advocates for Primary Care Before New York State Legislature

On February 12, PCDC CEO Louise Cohen testified before the New York state legislature’s joint budget hearing about the need for primary care.

Below is the full testimony from the public hearing.


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