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Outcomes & Evaluation

Upcoming URAC Workshop: High Performance Medical Home Teams Exploring Care Coordination and Transitions of Care - Oct 11th 2:00-5:00pm EDT

2012-10-11 14:00

Medical Homes: High Performance Medical Home Teams Exploring Care Coordination and Transitions of Care in the Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH), Medical Neighborhood and ACO Models WorkshopThursday, October 11, 2012 (2pm - 5pm US/Pacific)San Francisco, CA 94102 Join us for this cutting-edge workshop as we explore the medical home integration of care managers and the medical home teams. This session is specially designed for primary care teams, coaches and case managers to understand the vital role they will play in healthcare reform.

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Upcoming URAC Workshops at URAC 2012 Quality Summit & Best Practice Awards - Oct 8-11th

2012-10-08 16:08

October Workshops at URAC 2012 Quality Summit & Best Practice Awards October 8: URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Auditor Certification WorkshopOctober 9: URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement WorkshopOctober 9: URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Auditor Certification: Practice Achievement WorkshopOctober 11: Global Diabetes Management Mini SummitOctober 11: Health Insurance Exchange Quality CampOctober 11: Medical Homes: High Performance Medical Home Teams Exploring Care Coordination and Transitions of Care in the Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH)

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Upcoming URAC Webinar: Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement Program - Sept 27th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

2012-09-27 14:00

 URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home Practice Achievement ProgramThursday, September 27, 2012 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)Webinar - Complimentary This education workshop is offered to health management organizations (HMO), health plans and medical home pilots desiring to provide independent PCHCH practice assessment audits of health care practices. It is designed to review the URAC PCHCH Auditor Certification Standards. These standards include the Core and HIPAA standards, which address several key organizational management functions that are important for any health care organization.

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Upcoming URAC Webinar: Exchange Health Plan Management Functions - Sept 25th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

2012-09-25 14:00

  Exchange Health Plan Management Functions: URAC Accreditation & Quality MeasuresTuesday, September 25, 2012 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)Webinar - Complimentary FOCUSIn this complimentary webinar, URAC will present an overview of its accreditation process and quality measures as they relate to Qualified Health Plans that participate on Health Insurance Exchanges, including how URAC information may be utilized by state insurance regulators and state exchanges.SUMMARYHealth Plan Management includes functions for verifying accreditation and quality measures for Qualified Health Plans.

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URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH) Programs

2012-09-14 15:39

URAC Patient Centered Health Care Home (PCHCH) programs are designed to educate and guide health care practices in transforming into a medical home. The PCHCH Practice Achievement Program focuses on evaluating practices on Key Joint Principles of the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) including access, coordination, quality and patient centeredness.

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RWJF Webinar: Insights from Aligning Forces for Quality - Sept 24th 12:30-1:30pm ET

2012-09-24 12:30

September 24 Webinar to Feature National and Local Health Care Leaders Discussing Progress of RWJF Program to Improve Quality of Care in 16 Regions NationwideAligning Forces for Quality is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to lift the overall quality of care in 16 targeted communities. For six years, Aligning Forces communities have worked with local health care stakeholders—the people who give, get and pay for care—to improve their health system.

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PCMH model a success to be reckoned with according to PCPCC report

A new health report released by the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) documents the adoption of the patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) in the U.S.

Patient-centered medical homes see higher provider satisfaction

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act recently getting the green light by the U.S. Supreme Court, expansion of one of its key tenets--the patient-centered medical home (PCMH)--has now reached a tipping point of having broad private- and public-sector support, according to a new report from the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC).

News Author: 
Debra Beaulieu

New Report Outlines Success of PCMH Model in Variety of Public, Private Demonstrations

As more public and private entities adopt the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, the concept is "evolving to better connect and coordinate with the medical neighborhood, including accountable care organizations and other integrated systems of care," according to a new report released by the Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC).

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Upcoming AHRQ Webinar: Funding & Evaluating Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs - Sept 28th

2012-09-28 12:30

 Funding and Evaluating Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs Date:                Friday, September 28th, 12:30-2:00 pm EDT Register:          Funding and Evaluating Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs  Speakers:         Lyndee Knox, LA Net                        Hunter Gatewood, San Francisco Health Plan                        Bruce Baskerville, University of Waterloo                        Michael Parchman, MacColl Center for Health Innovation                        James Mold, Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network       Description:  In this webinar, presenters wil

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